Easy to grow, reasonably drought tolerant and very low care, Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ is long flowering and reliable. It comes into its own in late summer when the green flowers turn to pink and then terracotta. The flowers appear on tall stems reaching around 80 cm (30 inches) in height.
- Sedum Birthday Party is a lower growing form to around 12 inches (30cm) in height.
- Sedum Mr Goodbud, more compact than Autumn Jot to around 40cm in height.
- Sedum Hot Stuff, another smaller growing variety.
This is a succulent plant that has flowers on tall stems. As the season progresses the flowers change colour from a bright pink to a coppery tone.
You can grow this butterfly and bee attracting plant as a ‘stand alone’ in a container or the garden border. It can be mass planted, or mixed in with contrasting companion plants.
This is a trouble free plant that will benefit from being dug and divided every 3 – 4 years.
Plant Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ in a sunny position in a well drained soil.
A little fertiliser every year will suffice as this is not a hungry plant.
Pruning ‘Sedum Autumn Joy’
You can tip prune early in the season to promote a more bushy habit, however we tend to let it ‘do its own thing’.
Simply prune right back to the ground once the flowers dies back.
You will notice basal foliage when pruning, prune back to just above this.
How and When to Divide Autumn Joy
Sedum Autumn Joy will grown for many years without being divided, however it is best to divide the clump after 5 -6 years especially if grown in containers.
- The best time to divide Autumn Joy and other Hylotelephium varieties is in late winter to early spring, as soon as new growth bends to shoe.
- Digging up the whole clump with a garden fork or spade is one way, splittng the clump with a sharp spade is another.
- Once you have lifted the clump use a sharp knife or Japanese Hori Hori to break up the clump into smaller sections. You do not need to divide it into individual plants.
- Replant in fresh potting mix or soil that has had some fresh compost and cow manure mixed through.
- Space the divisions at around 4-6 inches apart to give them room to grow.
- Water in with a liquid seaweed fertiliser to help promote good root growth.
Companion Plants
Suitable companion plants need to like the same growing conditions, good sun and a well drained soil. Consider trying Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium) “Chocolate” with its dark foliage.
Others to consider include : Salvias and Agastache, Ornamental grasses such as Poa, Blue Fescue. Nepeta varieties and Dianthus can also work well.
Try using Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ in front of evergreen shrubs where it will contrast nicely when in flower.
What is the new name for Sedums?
The plant we know as Sedum Autumn Joy along with some other sedums have a new name, Hylotelephium, originally part of the Sedum genus, most of taller growing types have this new name.
It is Hylotelephium telephium that we commonly call ‘Stonecrops’ however other species worth. Look include;
- Sedum telephium Matrona – Deep grey leaves with a pink margin, soft pink flowers
- Sedum telephium ‘Red Cauli’ – deeper red flowers as the name suggests.
- Sedum ‘Postman’s Pride’ – Deeper green to blue foliage, flowers are red to purple.
- Sedum Emperors Wave – Deeper red flowers.
Other Species to Consider Include;
- Hylotelephium Pluricaule – Multi stemmed and low growing to trailing habit. Pink Flowers.
- Hylotelephium Anacampseros
- Hylotelephium Tatarinowii – Pink flowers and colourfil foliage, sometimes called the Chinese Stonecrop.
- Hylotelephium Ussuriense – A very tough little plant, bright pink flowers, leaves that can be margined with red to pink
- Hylotelephium Cyaneum – Again pink flowers, low growing to 20cm and used in rock gardens.
Sedum Autumn Joy is available for sale from the following suppliers.
Large range of Rare, Unusual and Old Fashioned Perennials. Includes Artemisias, Achilleas, Geraniums, Geums, Salvias, Penstemon and Francoa.
Large variety of Epimediums, Woodland plants and Herbaceous perennials
Mail order or nursery. We do not send to Tasmania or WA
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
'Umbango' 750 Humula Rd, Humula NSW 2652
Phone 0408692773 Great Range of Perennial plants available for sale by mail order.