Mesembs are a group of succulents sometimes called Ice Plants, they are found in South Western South Africa through to Namibia and are also known as Vygies.
Mesembs is simply short for Mesembryanthemums a part of the Aizoaceae group. With close to 2000 species divided into around 135 genre these are a varied group of plants.
The most commonly collected mesembs include Aloinopsis, Fenestraria, Lapidaria, Lithops, Pleiospilos, and Titanopsis
These are leaf succulents, and they tend to use the older leaves, or bodies as nutrients for new growth. One of the common factors is this is a group of succulents that do require excellent drainage to survive. They vary in growing season, light requirements and fertiliser needs.
General Care for Mesembs
In terms of moisture and watering, the different species require different watering regimes that reflect the rainfall patterns of the natural habitat.
Although these are plants that grow naturally in dry climates and like a good a mount of sun, many grow naturally on the shady side of rocks and other plants. They also often grow in dips or depressions, even cracks in rocks, this gives them access to some moisture.

Varieties and Species
We have groups or species, so Lithops are commonly called ‘Living Stones’, however another split rock or Living Stone type is Argyroderma testiculare. Below we have listed the species in alphabetical order.
Mesembs Include :
- Acrodon, Aethephyllum , Aloinopsis, Antegibbaeum, Antimima, Argyroderma, Aridaria,
- Bergeranthus, Bijlia, Braunsia,
- Carpobrotus, Carruanthus, Cephalophyllum, Cerochlamys, Chasmatophyllum, Cheiridopsis, Conophytums, Cylindrophyllum,
- Deilanthe, Delosperma, Dicrocaulon, Didymaotus, Dinteranthus, Disphyma
- Dorotheanthus, Dracophilus, Drosanthemopsis, Drosanthemum,
- Eberlanzia, Ebracteola, Energanthe, Erepsia,
- Faucaria, Fenestraria, Frithia,
- Gibbaeum, Glottiphyllum,
- Hallianthus, Hammeria, Hereroa,
- Ihlenfeldtia,
- Jensenobotrya, Juttadinteria,
- Lampranthus, Lapidaria, Leipoldtia, Lithops
- Malephora, Mestoklema, Meyerophytum, Mitrophyllum, Monilaria, Mossia, Muiria,
- Nananthus, Nycteranthus,
- Octopoma, Oophytum, Orthopterum, Oscularia,
- Phyllobolus, Pleiospilos, Polymita,
- Rabiea, Rhinephyllum, Rhombophyllum, Ruschia, Ruschianthus,
- Sceletium, Schwantesia, Smicrostigma, Sphalmanthus, Stomatium,
- Titanopsis, Trichodiadema