One of the succulents that is becoming more popular is Faucaria tigrina. The common name is Tiger Jaws, referring to the toothed margins of the foliage.
This is a plant grown both for the foliage and the flowers.
Leaves are triangular in shape, fleshy, and tend to curve inwards. They form a rosette over time and add year round interest.
Flowers range from white through to yellows and pinks, best described as daisy like, and are fragrant.
Active growth is from spring to summer, and this clump forming group of succulents are easy to grow in containers.
The foliage is often mottled or patterned and the best of these are the most popular forms. The leaves have spines on the margins and this accounts for the common name. These are a clump forming succulent, they form uneven rosettes of foliage and the thick fleshy leaves vary in colour depending on the amount of sun they receive.
Although rare, they have been in cultivation for many years and require similar conditions to other Mesembs such as Lithops and Conophytums.

Faucaria tigrina do flower, large daisy like flowers appear from the end of summer to winter depending a little on climate. Flower colour will vary and include pinks, whites and yellows.
The flowers are naturally pollinated by insects, in cultivation hand pollination is often required.
For the flowers to open properly good sun is required, cloudy days may also see the flowers remain shut.
Summary Description
- Triangular leaves with toothed leaf margins.
- Yellow flowers from autumn to winter.
- Rosette forming succulent.
- Grows in full sun.
Care and Growing Conditions
The only real problem these succulents have is stem rot, so if you water sparingly and have a good free draining potting soil you will have few problems.
- Best grown in bright filtered light with direct sun in the morning.
- In very hot climates, more shade will be required.
- A well drained soil is essential.
- Good air circulation and low humidity.
- A little fertiliser in summer.

When in active growth, water every week allowing the soil to drain and dry a little between waterings.
Flowers will not open in very low light or on very cloudy days.
Other Varieties and Species
Propagation is from seed.
- F. tuberculosa has white tubercles on the level and large yellow flowers.
- F. tigrina has strongly toothed leaves and yellow or white flowers
- F. candida has well formed triangular leaves and white flowers.
- F. bosscheana has yellow flowers the leaves being unmarked.
- F. paudicens is very similar to the above.