With fascinating foliage and large yellow flowers, Titanopsis calcarea although not widely offered for sale is regarded as the most desirable of genus.
This is a low growing mat forming succulent from South Africa and is one of the kalkvygies (chalk mesembs). It is the white incrustation on the leaves that adds interest, and the effect varies depending. You will need a very free draining soil to grow this plant, usually some added pumice or similar to a normal succulent potting mix.
Titanopsis calcarea Care
Wth a low water requirement this is a rare but fairly easy to grow succulent. A free draining growing medium is essential.
Although this is a species that tolerates high heat it is best grown in a position where it receives filtered light or bright shade in summer. From autumn through to winter and spring, full sun is best
Easy by division of clumps, also possible from seeds.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Titanopsis calcarea
- Common Name – Concrete Leaf.
- Family – Aizoaceae
- Origins – Coastal South Africa to Namibia
- Height – To around 2 – 3cm.
- Spread – Clump forming
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Position – Light shade.
- Soil – Free draining sandy.
- Flowers – Yellow.
- Flowering Time – Autumn
- Foliage – Blue green with incrustation.
- Frost tolerant – Yes to around -10C
- Drought tolerant – Yes