From South Africa, Frithia a group of succulents commonly called the ‘Fairy Elephant Feet Succulent’. They are summer flowering and a ‘window leaved’ succulent, this simply means that the leaves have a translucent area that allows the sun light in.
Frithia pulchra, pictured, and F. humilis are the only two species in the genus with the former being the most widely grown.
Frithia Care
- Growing Medium
Good drainage is essential, so use a general purpose succulent mix with some extra coarse stone mixed through. - Light
These are a succulent that require a good amount of light to grow properly, however protection from the hot afternoon sun is essential to prevent the leaves from burins or scorching. - Watering
When in active growth (Spring through Summer), a deep watering every 10 days should be suitable. In winter, Frithia need to be kept fairly dry. - Fertiliser
If you repot each year, and you should, an application a slow release fertiliser such as Osmocote should be sufficient.
General Care Information.
The main problem that occurs is overwatering, usually this is because of poor driving pots or potting mix.
The growing medium MUST be allowed to dry between waterings.
Humid condition are a second factor, good airflow is essential.