Grow your own Chervil Plants
Chervil is another member of the carrot family, however it is one of the more delicate members, and not widely grown in home gardens.
It tends to grows best in a cool moist shaded position. In full sun it tends to go to seed very easily. This is a herb that grows well in pots. At its best while still green, once it starts to change colour it loses its taste.
Using Chervil in the Kitchen
Chervil is used extensively in French cooking for flavouring eggs, sauces, and chicken dishes. Picked fresh it can also be used in salads where its aniseed flavour adds a nice touch.
Chervil plants are herb used for culinary purposes. Plants can be grown from seeds or seedlings and require similar conditions to parsley. Chervil can be grown in pots or containers. Try a semi shaded position and remember that plants die back after flowering.
How to grow Chervil.
This is a plant that you can grow in containers, or in the garden. Similar conditions are required in each case.
- A moist fertile soil.
- A position away from the heat of the afternoon sun.
Planting Seed.
You can sow the seed in late summer or in early spring, this is a plant that likes a cool growing season.
- Prepare the soil well by digging over, and adding some well rotted compost.
- Sow the seed and lightly rake in.
- Water in with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Do not worry about thinning. Chervil is a rather lax, floppy plant and when crowded it seems to thrive and the plants hold each other up.
- Maintain moisture through the growing season.
From planting seed to commencing harvesting will take about six weeks in good conditions. The young plants are the best to use in the kitchen.
Futher Reading
- Saffron (How to Grow Your Own Saffron)
- Cardomom
- Galangle
- Vanilla Beans
- Neem Trees
- Lemon Grass
- Tulsi (Holy Basil)
- Ashwagandha
- Gotu Kola
Chervil Plants are available for sale from the following participating nurseries
Huge range of rare & unusual herbs, edible perennial plants, wasabi, saffron corms & organic garlic. Specialised Mail order nursery.