Medicinal Plants and Herbs
Many plants are reputed to have medicinal qualities, and many are avaipable for sale online. Some of these have scientific back up and others do not.
It should be noted that we suggest you consult your local doctor before using plants for medicinal purposes.
Interesting medicinal plants has increased greatly as we gain an understanding of other cultures and look for alternatives to modern medicine. In many cases what we call modern remedies are in fact derived from traditional herbs and plants, many used for centuries.
Part of every culture for 1000s of years medicinal plants have been used for a wide variety of purposes and it is almost impossible to list every plant with medicinal properties and the use for each one.
Some plants have been scientifically evaluated and are recognised as having important properties, others have ‘reported’ properties but with no scientific or medical backing. In Australia or own native plants are only just being evaluated for medicinal properties although again theta have been used for many years.
What are Medicinal Herbs
Medicinal Herbs and seeds include a range of plants that are claimed to have medicinal properties.
You will find many herbs that have the name ‘officinalis’ after the first name (Salvia officinalis, Borago officinalis etc). This is the term that was originally used to signify that the plant was used by Apothecaries, so this is where medicinal herbs were first used, and named. So the generic name is Salvia, the epitaph is officinalis and the species is Salvia officinalis.
Although the species name sort of means ‘Used in Medicine’ this is really a term from the past when all ‘officinal’ plant extracts were seem as an essential part of the Apothecaries collection of useful substances.
List of Medicinal Plants and Herbs (with common nmaes)
Medicinal Plants available in Australia include a range of medicinal herbs, gingers and mints as well as plants such as the Neem Tree, Azadirachta indica, Pink Evening Primrose, Oenothera speciosa, Fish Plant, Houttuynia cordata. Many Bush Tuckers plants are also said to have medicinal qualities.
Plants are used widely as medicinal herbs in both Indian and Chinese medicine ( as well as naturopathy and other areas) for stress reduction, anxiety, blood cleansing and even weight loss include herbs such as:
- Agrimony – Agrimony
- Artemisia princeps – Yomogi
- Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera
- Angelica Archangelica
- Artichoke
- Asperula odorata – Woodruff
- Bacopa monnieri – Brahmi
- Ballota nigra – Black Horehound
- Bellis perennis – English Daisy
- Bergamot
- Borage
- Centella asiatica – Gotu Kola or Arthritis Herb
- Chelidonum majus – Greater celandine
- Comfrey
- Dandelion
- Echinacea
- Evening Primrose
- Fenugreek
- Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’ – Fennel
- Galega officinalis – Goat’s Rue
- Geranium robertianum – Herb Robert
- Helichrysum italicum – Curry Plant
- LicoriceMelissa officinalis – Lemon Balm
- Mentha pulegium – Pennyroyal
- Mullein
- Persicaria chinensis – Chinese Knotweed
- Phytolacca americana – Pokeweed
- Rosemary
- Salvia lyrata – Lyre Leaf Sage
- Sambucus nigra – Elderberry
- Solidago canadensis – Canadian Goldenrod
- Tancetum balsamita – Costmary
- Tancetum parthenium – Feverfew
- Tussilago farfara – Coltsfoot
- Tansy
- Urtica dioica – Stinging Nettle
- Valeriana officinalis – Valerian
- Veronicastrum virginicum – Culvers Root
- Wheat
- Withania somnifera – Ashwagandha
Many herbs used in day to day cooking (culinary herbs) are said to have medicinal benefits. Garlic, Rosemary, Sage and others fall into this category.
Medicinal Plants and Herbs are available for sale form the following growers and suppliers
Little Hampton, Vic 345
"Mail order nursery specialising in cottage garden perennials, flowering shrubs, Trilliums, Hostas and Pacific Coast Iris. Flat rate express postage - Except WA & TAS"
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
40 Railway Street Helidon QLD 4344 – phone: 07 4697 6306
Growers and Suppliers of Goji Plants and Seeds. Lycium chinense, Lycium barbarum.
40 Railway Street Helidon Queensland 4344 – phone: 0746976306
Mail order business supplying seeds and plants of specific Medicinal Herbs.
Lot 524 Kangaroo Gully Rd, Bridgetown – PO Box 1008 Bridgetown, WA 6255
phone:+ 61/8/9761-4455 fax +61/8/9761-4455 – email
100’s of medicinal, culinary, fragrant and insect-repellant herbs and old-fashioned cottage garden plants, scented geraniums, salvias; moon-planting-guides, herb-books