Neem tree (Azadirachta indica)
Neem trees are native to India, North West originally. The Neem tree is reputed to have a range of uses especially as a natural pesticide. Easily grown from seedlings Aadirachta indica are readily available for sale from mail order nurseries.
These are a fast growing drought resistant tree that needs a warm climate to do well. The Neem Tree is used for the production of Neem oil for use in cosmetics.
The natural environment for Neem trees is a dry tropical climate, a hot climate with seasonal rains. Although the tree can be grown in temperate climates, for production of seed, which is the most important commercial use, the best environment will be on the northern areas.
Uses of the Neem tree (leaves and oil)
A valuable garden plant in itself. this fast growing tree will quickly grow to form a nice shade tree with an attractive spreading canopy, however the tree has other uses as well.
Neem oil is widely used as a pesticide. an excellent organic alternative. It is the seeds of the tree that are used, the oil if extracted and used in many ways.
In India the foliage is also widely used for therapeutic purposes especially in Ayurvedic remedies.
Where can you buy Neem Trees ?
Neem trees are available for sale from the following nurseries
Paradise Distributers – 07 5441 5921