Lilium candidum or ‘Madonna Lily’
Lilium candidum (popularly known as the Madonna Lily) is another fragrant white flowering lilium that will reach 1m plus. Flowers in spring to early summer. For best results Lilium candidum bulbs should be planted fairly shallow, in a shaded position a humus rich fertile, well drained soil is best.
An interesting species Lilium not widely available in Australia the Madonna Lily or Lilium candidum is one of the oldest cultivated flowers. Being susceptible to viruses is a drawback and Madonna Lilies are best planted away from other liliums.
These bulbs should be planted just below the surface,although it dies back in winter basal rosetts of foliage make this lilium almost evergreen, like most liliums it does best in a well-drained limey soil in full sun, however the bulbs themselves prefer little protection from to much sun.
- Height – 1m to 2m depending on soil and climate.
- Soil Conditions – Humus rich moist but well drained soil.
- Planting Depth – 4cm deep.
- Flowering period – Early Summer
- Flower Color – White with ribbed petals.
- Propagation – Easy by division in autumn to winter. Also possible from seed, or by using the bulblets that form. Like most Lilium bulbs commercial propagation is also by scaling.
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