The Gloriosa Lily or ‘Gloriosa superba rothschildiana’ (picture right) is the national flower of Zimbabwe.
Growing from a tuber it makes a great climbing display and is commercially valuable as a cut flower.
Also known as the Flame Lily and Tiger Lily, it lives up to its name with red and yellow flowers which appear in summer.
Gloriosa Lilies can be grown either planted in pots or grow them directly into the garden, provide with some support as they are a climber.
- Find a warm sunny position.
- Prepare a humus rich well drained soil by adding well rotted compost and cow manure.
- Provide a climbing frame of some sort.
- Plant tubers 8cm deep.
- Alway the tubers on their side, not pointed upwards.
- Water in with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Mulch over the area to help provide a cool moist root run.
Overwintering the Gloriosa Lily
The tuber actually dies once flowering is over, however before this it forms two new tubers, so life goes on.
Gloriosa do not like wet conditions so lift when dormant making sure not to disturb the growing tip at the end of the tuber. The tubers cam be stored in a cool dry position over winter. Wrap them in a little peat msos or coir peat to prevent them from drying completely.
However, remember to keep moist in the growing season.
Top Tips
Is it poisonous? – The stems, flowers and tubers of the Glorious Lily are all poisonous with the tubers being particularly toxic. Eating any part of the lily can be fatal for humans, the cats dogs and other animals. The sap can also be regarded as a poisonous irritant to touch.
Sun or shade – The Gloriosa Lily likes a position in good morning sun with a little afternoon shade. Hot afternoon sun should be avoided and the soil should be mulched.
Not Flowering – Your Gloriosa Lily will not flower if it does not receive adeqeate sun, 6 hours a day as a minimum. Overuse of fertiliser can also cause the plant not to flower.
How long does it flower for? – Flowering time can last from spring through to mid summer in warm climates. Individual flowers will look good for around a week, however the flowering period can last for 8 weeks or more.
How Long To Flower – This is a fast going perennial climber, from first shoot to flowering will take around 6 -8 weeks, again depending on climate.
You can search for and find a huge range of climbing plants both common and rare using our specialist nursery index
Or choose from some of the most popular climbers below
- clematis
- climbing roses
- wisteria
- mandevillia
- bouganvillia
- lapageria rosea
- hardenbergia (happy wanderer)
- pandorea (bower of beauty)
- lonicera (honeysuckle)
Gloriosa Lilies are available for sale from the following participating nurseries
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."