The Firewheel Tree
Stenocarpus sinuatus or Firewheel Tree is an Australian Native tree, a medium to tall tree rainforest tree growing to a height of 10 – 30m, but slow growing.

In some areas these trees are lightly pruned to maintain a more compact growing habit.
Widely grown in Queensland Stenocarpus sinuatus are related to the Proteas. Also widely used as an ornamental tree in parks and larger gardens through New south Wales.
These are a tree that thrive in humid conditions, so some extra water during dry summers will be appreciated.
The Firewheel Tree has spectacular, bright red flowers during summer. Originally from the rainforests of Northern NSW to Queensland this wonderful colorful tree will cope with cooler temperatures and grows well in Melbourne. Stenocarpus sinuatus or ‘Firewheel tree’ require a well drained soil and full sun to part shade is best.
Great trees for street planting or a large shade or feature tree, as is proven by the fact that they are now grown in the USA especially in California where it is used as a street tree, as well as Europe.

Slow growing initially, growth rate will be improved with a humus rich soil and some slow release low phosphate fertiliser applied in the early years of growth. Young plants should be staked to allow for a good upright trunk.
Although in tropical and sub tropical climates this is a tall tree to 30 metres, it will grow in cooler climates where height is more like 10 metres.
Landscaping and Garden Uses
Used as a street tree or feature tree in medium to large gardens, also windbreak tree or screening tree.
Although this is a plant that can reach 30m in height, in cultivation it is usually smaller, in cooler climates growth rate will be slower and the plant smaller.
The Firewheel Tree also make a good habitat for some birds, attracts bees and nectar seeking birds along with butterflies and other insects to the garden when in flower.
Pruning the Firewheel Tree
After initial formative pruning to ensure a single song leader we do not recommend pruning as this ruins the shape, it is best to plant the tree in a position where it has the space to grow.
Summary Information and Description
- Botanical Name: Stenocarpus sinuatus
- Common Name: Firewheel Tree
- Family: Proteaceae
- Origins : QLD to New South Wales
- Climate range – QLD to Victoria to Perth
- Soil : Sandy loam to clay, well drained with some moisture.
- Height:10 – 30 metres
- Width: 4 – 10 metres
- Growth rate – Slow
- Flower Colour: Wheel shaped, Red
- Flowering Time: Summer
- Fruit: Dark brown woody follicle, 70 – 80mm long, with many flat papery brown seeds, ripening in late spring.
- Frost tolerant : Light frosts only
- Drought tolerant : Medium
- Propagation : From seed or from cuttings taken after flowering.
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