A complete list of Australia Rainforest Trees would include: trees from Queensland, NSW, ACT, SA, TAS, WA and Victoria. We are listing only examples of species found in each state and include many offered for sale.
Many of these trees are available for sale in Australia will grow outside their natural habitat.
Rainforests are sometimes seen as a tropical forest, however they are actually widespread and are found from Cape Yorke right through to Tasmania.
And it is interesting to note that the Eucalyptus are represented in this group. Even in tropical areas species such as Eucalyptus crebra, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus macta, Eucalyptus pellita and Eucalyptus tereticornis are found to represent the genus.
However rainforest trees do vary from Southern Australia to Northern Australia.
They are a complex environment with tall trees to 50m however with a varying canopy. Smaller shrubs trees and palms trees below and a ground cover that vary from ferns to moss and other plants.
What is a Rainforest ?
A rainforest is not only one of relatively high rainfall, more importantly it is also a closed forest, with over 70% foliage cover in a continuous canopy.
Rainforests are characterised by four layers.
- The emergent layer. The tall trees that rise above all. This will include some emergent Eucalypts.
- The canopy layer, this is the really important layer, this is the canopy that forms a roof over the forest, trapping moisture and raising humidity.
- The next is the Understory layer, small trees and shrubs, usually to around 3 – 4 m in height.
- The forest floor, mosses , lichens and not many plants at this level due to the lack of light.
Other Forest and Vegetation Area Types include :
Tasmanian rainforest trees include.
- Myrtle-beech Nothofagus cunninghamii
- Sassafras – Atherosperma moschatum
- Leatherwood – Eucryphia lucida
- Native laural – Anopterus glandulosus
- Horizontal – Anodopetalum bi glandulosum
- Whitey wood – Acradenia frankliniae
- Native plum – Cenarrhenes nitida
- Pandani – Richea pandanifolia
Victoria rainforest trees include.
- Myrtle-beech Nothofagus cunninghamii
- Southern Sassafras – Atherosperma moschatum
- Lily Pilly – Acmena smithii
- Blackwood – Acacia melanoxylon
- Mountain Tea-Tree – Leptospermum grandifolium
- Coast Banksia – Banksia integrifolia var. integrifolia
- Sweet Pittosporum – Pittosporum undulatum
- Blue Olive-berry – Elaeocarpus reticulatus
- Muttonwood – Rapanea howittiana
- Boobialla – Myoporum insulare
- Eastern Leatherwood – Eucryphia moorei
- Mountain Grey-gum – Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- Water Gum – Tristaniopsis laurina
New south Wales rainforest trees include.
- Nothofagus moorei
- Blue Quandong – Elaeocarpus grandis
- Pittosporum rhombifolium
- Acmena smithii
- Syzygium luehmanii
- Sassafras – Doryphora sassafras
- Brown Kurrajong – Commersonia bartramia
- Native Frangipani – Hymenosporum flavum
- Illawarra flame tree – Brachychiton acerifolius
- Black booyong – Heritiera actinophylla
Queensland rainforest trees include.
- Queensland Maple – Flindersia brayleyana
- Eucalyptus pellita
- Eucalyptus crebra
- Brown Silky Oak – Darlingia darlingiana
- Black Bean – Castanospermum australe
- Bumpy Satin-ashes – Syzgium spp
- Northern Silky Oak – Cardwellia sublimis
- The Stinging Tree – Dendrocnide Moroide
- Spur Mahogany – Dysoxylum Pettigrewianum
- Yellow Mahogany – Dysoxylum Parasiticum
- Red Tulip Oak – Argyrodendron Peralatum
- King Ferns – Angiopteris Evecta
- Noah’s Satinash – Syzygium Maraca
- Common Ginger – Alpinia Caerulea
- Snow Ginger – Alpinia Arctiflora
- Fan Palm – Licuala Ramsayi
- Scrub Breadfruit – Pandanus monticola