Although Grevilleas are low care plants once established, they do look better, and produce more flowers with regular tip pruning. This regular maintenance keeps them bushy in habit and a the right size for your garden. So here are a few tips on how best to prune Grevilleas.
The question of how to prune Grevilleas more harshly is a vexed one. They do need pruning however they respond differently.
The answer depends on what sort of pruning and which Grevillea species you are going to prune. You can tip prune all varieties, many you can prune lightly, some hard prune.
Grevillea species vary in if they a type that will reshoot from the hidden shoots in the stems.
General Grevillea Pruning rules.
- Always use a sharp clean pruning saw, loppers or secateurs. Clean pruning tools prevent disease spread.
- Prune dead wood away at any time.
- Remove broken or damaged wood at any time.
- Light tip pruning of new growth can be carried out in spring to late summer.
- Any harder pruning should be carried out in spring once the weather warms up.
- Prune back large plants by up to 1/3rd.
- Try to avoid cutting back to bare stems.
- Do not prune Grevillea during cold periods.
One common factor is when to prune Grevilleas. ALWAYS when the plants are in active growth, and never in cold weather. So wait until spring has settled in and the danger of a cold spell is over. However Methods do differ.
Pruning Methods for Grevilleas
Tip Pruning Method
You can do this in spring when the sap is rising, its a simple matter of pinching out the tips to make encourage bushy growth. Chances are if you do this from when you first plant them you will may never need to try the second method.
Light Pruning
This means cutting back to existing growth from 30% to 50% off the plant. This can be carried out every 2 – 3 years. Best to prune back to branch junction or look for a bump in the bark.
Hard Pruning
Not really recommended at all as hard pruning can kill grevilleas. However sometimes its prune of replace. The exception is that most of the Grevillea banksii x Grevillea bipinnatifida hybrids seem to respond to very hard pruning. They can be cut back almost to the ground.
Once grevilleas reach maturity they can require a dramatic chop or replacement. And this is where the species will determine what you can do. Grevilleas have epicormic buds, but not many of them and some more than others.
The Banksii forms and the hybrids MAY reshoot from these buds that are lower in the trunk, however they MAY NOT. So if you are desperate, you could cut back to the ground, however a chance is that you may kill the plant.
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