Although it is not widely grown, Pimelea nivea does have attractive white or pink flowers, however the foliage is also a good addition to the garden.
Small rounded leaves, deep leathery, glossy green with a felty underside make this an attraction year round. Most commonly round in Tasmania.
Grow Pimelea nivea in a humus rich well drained soil slightly on the acidic side. It will flower in morning sun and light afternoon shade and requires little in terms of fertiliser.
Give the plant a little room and it will develop a more bushy habit than it will if it needs to reach for light.
Prune after flowering, however not back into old bare wood. This will also assist with creating a more rounded dense growth habit.
From seed or cuttings.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Pimelea nivea
- Common Names – Round leaf Rice Flower
- Family – Thymelaeaceae
- Position – Full sun to a little afternoon shade.
- Soil – Well drained, humus rich.
- Height – To around 1.5 metres.
- Spread – To around 1 metres.
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Flowers – Small and creamy white or pink.
- Flowering Time – Spring to Summer.
- Foliage – Interesting deep green, glossy oval shaped foliage .
- Frost tolerance – Light frosts only
- Drought tolerant – Medium