An interesting climbing plant or shrub, Marianthus bicolor is a plant that thrives in warm conditions.
It will grow well in rocky, sandy or poor gravelly soils and flowers in the heat of summer into autumn.
It is naturally a twining scrambling plant and can reach a height 3 metres if it has support. With no support it forma a scrambling shrub.
Grow it on a sunny fence or wall, or a trellis.
Given a warm sunny position and good drainage this is very adaptable plant.
It will easily tolerate drought and most frosts. It can be pruned lightly to maintain size and shape and it will attract bees and insects to the garden.
Although from Western Australia it can be found growing at the Kawarra Gardens in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria as well as the Burrendong arboretum in New South Wales
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Marianthus bicolor syn. Billardiera bicolor
- Family – Pittosporaceae
- Common Name – The Painted Marianthus
- Soil – Well drained loam to sandy loam. Well drained clay or gravel.
- Position – Sun to a little shade in the afternoon.
- Climate – Warm to Hot.
- Saline soils – Mild salt soils.
- Height – To around 3 metres
- Spread – To around 2 metres as a shrub
- Flowering period – Summer to Autumn.
- Flower colour – Creamy white with violet stripes.
- Foliage – Mid to deep green.
- Frost tolerant – Yes.
- Drought tolerant – Yes once established
- Fauna attracting – Birds, bees and insects.