A small upright shrub from Western Australia, Maireana oppositifolia is commonly called the Heathy Bluebush.
This is a great little plant for dry soils, attractive silvery grey to green foliage and a dense growth habit make it a most useful plant in sunny dry positions in the garden.

The flowers are small yellow to pink and appear in spring, and not a real feature. This is a foliage plant that is versatile and easy care.
How to Grow Maireana oppositifolia
With its stiff upright habit this makes an interesting plant in a range of garden situation.
- Best grown in full sun although it will grow in part shade.
- Plant it in a well drained soil.
- Mulch around the plant and water in with a liquid seaweed fertilser.
- A little water through the first summer may be required.
- Little to no extra fertiliser should be needed.
Regarded as drought tolerant, and coping with light frosts Maireana oppositifolia is also suited to sandy soils and coastal conditions.
Height is around 1m and Width is also around 1m. With its dense growth habit it could be used a taller ground cover plant for native gardens.