With brilliant red spidery flowers Grevillea speciosa is long flowering and easy care.
Being a naturally dense growing plant it provides an excellent habitat for the smaller nectar seeking birds as hey can hide away in the foliage.
Another good feature is the dense growth also make it suited as a low hedge or barrier plant.
As it spreads, nothing much will grow beneath it so its a great filler for difficult to maintain spaces.
In a well drained humus rich soil this is an easy care plant. We do suggest digging in some well rotted compost and aged co manure before planting.
In areas of heavy clay soils, or poor drainage, consider hilling up the soil before planting. Planting on a raised area will help prevent root problems.
- Dig the soil over well to twice the diameter of the container.
- Add some well rotted cow manure and aged compost.
- Plant at the same level the tree was in the container.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Water through the first few summers.
- Mulch around the plantto maintain a cool root run
No fertiliser is requires in good soils. You can use a little specialist native plant fertiliser (low phosphate) in poor soils if desired.
Best tip pruned after flowering to maintain a dense bushy habit.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Grevillea speciosa
- Common Name – Red Spider Flower
- Position – Full sun to a little afternoon shade.
- Soil – Humus rich well drained.
- Height – To around 2 metres, less in cooler climates
- Spread – To around 2 metres.
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Flowers – Brilliant Red
- Flowering time – Spring to summer although in some climates almost year round.
- Foliage – Small mid green and elliptical.
- Frost tolerant – Yes, mild frosts.
- Drought tolerant – Medium once established in good soil. Will require some water in extended dry periods.