A cultivar (Grevillea leiophylla x Grevillea humilis subsi. maritima) Grevillea ‘Pink Midget’ is a dwarf variety.
It is long flowering, with small pink to mauve spidery flowers, excellent in the garden border and this is one Grevillea that can easily be grown in pots and containers.
This is an easy care Grevillea and will tolerate a range of soils except for waterlogged types.
It will grow in full sun to part shade, flowering can be limited in deep shade.
Plant in a well drained soil preferably with some light shade or afternoon shade.
Water deeply during very dry summers, especially the first few summers.
Maintenance is minimal, the removal of any dead or damaged wood is the exception.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Grevillea leiophylla x Grevillea humilis subsi. maritima
- Family – Proteaceae
- Common Name – Grevillea ‘Pink Midget’.
- Soil – Well drained loam to sandy loam. Well drained clay.
- Position – Sun to a little shade in the afternoon.
- Climate – Warm Temperate to Cool.
- Saline soils – Mild salt soils.
- Height – To around .4 metres
- Spread – To around .4 metres
- Flowering period – Summer and Winter.
- Flower colour – Pink to mauve.
- Foliage – Fine leaves.
- Frost tolerant – Yes, light frosts.
- Drought tolerant – Yes once established
- Fauna attracting – Birds, bees and insects.