A small growing species from southern Western Australia, Grevillea pimeleoides
Variable in height from around .5 metre to 2 metres this is a plant that is often sold as a grafted variety.
Masses of small golden yellow flowers over a long period contrast well against the mid to bright green foliage. The leaves themselves are covered with fine hairs and this makes the plant resilient in hot dry conditions.
This is not a plant that is suited to humid climates.
In a sunny position and a well drained soil this is an easy care plant. It will grow in a little shade, however flowering is best in full sun.
Best grown in an open position where it gets good air flow.
- Dig the soil over well to twice the diameter of the container.
- Add some well rotted cow manure and aged compost.
- Plant at the same level the tree was in the container.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Water lightly in the first summer.
- Mulch around the tree to maintain a cool root run.
Propagation is from seed as well as from cuttings.
No fertiliser is requires in good soils. You can use a little specialist native plant fertiliser (low phosphate) in poor soils if desired.
Best lightly tip pruned after flowering to encourage more flowers.
Propagation is easy from seed, grafted varieties are more reliable in the garden.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Grevillea pimeleoides
- Common Name – None.
- Position – Full sun to a little shade.
- Soil – Humus rich well drained.
- Height – To around 2 metres plus.
- Spread – To around 1.5 metres.
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Flowers – Buttery golden yellow
- Flowering time – Winter to Spring and summer.
- Foliage – Elliptical, mid green.
- Frost tolerant – Yes.
- Drought tolerant – Yes.