A species from Western Australia, Grevillea flexuosa is best grown as a grafted specimen in the eastern states,
It is the slightly irregular deeply lobed leaves that give this plant its common name. It is also a plant with large internodes, so it is sparse in growth habit. The flowers are slightly fragrant and will attract bees and birds to the garden.
Pruning will create a slightly more bushy habit, however the natural open habit dominates. This is a plant that looks at its best when planted between slightly denser growing shrubs.
Look for grafted forms for best results outside its natural climate zone.
In areas of heavy clay soils, or poor drainage, consider hilling up the soil before planting. Planting on a raised area will help prevent root problems.
- Dig the soil over well to twice the diameter of the container.
- Add some well rotted cow manure and aged compost.
- Plant at the same level the tree was in the container.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Water lightly in the first summer.
- Mulch around the tree to maintain a cool root run
No fertiliser is requires in good soils. You can use a little specialist native plant fertiliser (low phosphate) in poor soils if desired.
Best lightly tip pruned after flowering to encourage more flowers.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Grevillea flexuosa
- Common Name – Zigzag Grevillea, Tangled Grevillea.
- Position – Full sun.
- Soil – Humus rich well drained.
- Height – To around 1.5 metres.
- Spread – To around 1.5 metres.
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Flowers – Pale cream to lemon yellow
- Flowering time – Winter to Spring and summer.
- Foliage – Mid glossy green, deeply lobed.
- Frost tolerant – Mild frosts only.
- Drought tolerant – Yes.