A medium sized shrub that thrives in a sunny position and a well drained soil Grevillea fililoba is commonly called Grevillea “Ellendale”.
Excellent as a background shrub in the garden border or planted as a feature shrub.
It is very free flowering and attracts nectar seeking birds to the garden.
In a well drained soil is essential as is a position with good air flow. This his not a plant that tolerates humidity so sub tropical to tropical areas are problematical.
In areas of heavy clay soils, or poor drainage, consider hilling up the soil before planting. Planting on a raised area will help prevent root problems.
- Dig the soil over well to twice the diameter of the container.
- Add some well rotted cow manure and aged compost.
- Plant at the same level the tree was in the container.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Water lightly in the first summer.
- Mulch around the tree to maintain a cool root run
No fertiliser is requires in good soils. You can use a little specialist native plant fertiliser (low phosphate) in poor soils if desired.
Best lightly tip pruned after flowering to maintain a dense bushy habit.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Grevillea fililoba
- Common Name – Grevillea “Ellendale”
- Position – Full sun.
- Soil – Humus rich well drained.
- Height – To around 1.5 metres.
- Spread – To around 2 metres.
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Flowers – Bright Red
- Flowering time – Winter to Spring and summer although in some climates almost year round.
- Foliage – Mid glossy green, narrow and segmented..
- Frost tolerant – Mild frosts only.
- Drought tolerant – Yes.