Grass Trees or Xanthorrhoea species for sale
Grass Trees – Xanthorrhoea species for sale retail direct to the public and Grass Tree Nurseries. Grass trees are common in many Australian states and are popular with the home gardener. All grass trees or Xanthorrhoea species are a slow growing plant and are usually very hardy and long lived.
With 28 species and also some sub species Xanthorrhea do vary in appearance and growth habit.
One thing that they do have in common is that they are a very popular landscaping plant. Slow growing , advanced specimens are not cheap, however even a small Grass Tree can make a great addition to many landscaping projects.
All will develop a woody stem or trunk over time, some develop this below the group, others above. Foliage is long and ‘grass like’ however it does differ from species to species. The species most commonly found for sale is Xanthorrhoea australis, long narrow leaves and forming a reasonable sized garden plant in around 5 years from seed. It will take much longer to develop a good above ground trunk.
Larger specimens are available for sale, however they may need machinery to be transplanted successfully.
Grass Trees require a well drained position and a sunny aspect. The tall woody flower spikes are a spectacular feature. Grass Trees may be grown in pots or planters.
Grass Tree species available for sale include :
- Xanthorrhoea preissii. The Balga grasstree
- Xanthorrhoea australis. The Australian Grass Tree or ‘Austral Grass Tree’
- Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. The Northern Grasstree
- Xanthorrhoea gracilis
- Xanthorrhoea glauca. From QLD
- Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata. The Square Leaved Grass Tree
- Xanthorrhoea media. A smaller growing species with slender trunk
- Xanthorrhoea semiplana. The tufted grass tree
- Xanthorrhoea thorntonii The ‘Cundeelee Blackboy’
- Xanthorrhroea minor The small grass tree (no trunk)
Prices are usually calculated on the amount of mature trunk from the base to where the foliage begins. This ranges from $3 to $4 a cm. Prices will vary according to the number of heads and overall quality of the tree.
How to Plant an Australian Grass Tree
Keep your grass tree in the pot, if bare-rooted, keep the roots wrapped in damp hessian or similar until you are ready to plant it.
Remember that Grass Trees require a well drained soil, if Grass Trees are left to sit in water they will rot, try filling the hole with water, if it holds water easily you might be advised to install some drainage or plant the tree on a raised mound. So although grass trees like some water when being transplanted, they do not like wet soil…..
Planting Method for Grass Trees
- Dig a hole twice as wide as circumference pot or base of the grass tree to be replanted.Cover the roots with soil and then water in well to remove all air pockets.
- Make sure that the hole is deep enough to hold the tree at the correct level. (same as it is in the pot)
- Half fill the hole with stone or other drainage material.
- Place some fertiliser in the hole, a handful of something like dynamic lifter works well.
- Remove the grass tree from the pot and place it in the hole, it will sit up above the ground level.
- Hill up around the trunk until the grass tree has soil up to the right level..
- Water well with a dilute seaweed fertilizer solution
- Mulch around the plant to help maintain some moisture.
Care of grass trees after transplanting
- Water well every 2nd day for 4 weeks. Adjust this according to weather and soil conditions and remember
- Grass Trees do not like to sit in wet ground, so monitor this, the soil should be free draining.
- Water during the summer months for the first year or two (1-2 times a week)
- Apply dilute seaweed fertilizer every 1-2 months
Grass Tree Growth Rate
All Grass trees are slow growing, however some are faster than other. Generally the ones with the thicker foliage such as X. gluaca are faster than those with thinner foliage such as X.pressii, however they are still slow.
Grass Trees for sale (retail)
1052 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road Kinglake West 3757
Offering a specialist variety of Australian native Ferns plus Dendrobium/Dockrillia & Sarcochilus species & hybrids in pots, loose, or mounted. Species Cymbidium sauve and maddidum.
Wholesale Growers
685 Mickleham Rd, GreenVale,Vic 3059
Grass trees, palms, ferns, bromeliads, cycads, cordylines, yucca, bannanas, birds of paradise, succulents, dracaenas, ponytails, for all gardens sizes from small to large landscaped gardens. Advanced Date Palms available.
1052 Whittlesea-Kinglake Road Kinglake West 3757
Offering a specialist variety of Australian native Ferns plus Dendrobium/Dockrillia & Sarcochilus species & hybrids in pots, loose, or mounted. Species Cymbidium sauve and maddidum.
One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.
111 Stanhope Road Theresa Park NSW 2570
Offering a variety of sun hardy Australian natives and exotic trees, shrubs, groundcover's and perennials from semi advanced through to super advanced and semi-mature stock.