A popular garden plant Eremophila maculata comes in a number of forms including a range of flower colours and sizes.
The large tubular flowers appear in spring, opening from pointed buds, as they open the individual petals are recurved, when fully open and covered with very fine hairs.
Growth habit depends on the form and position. In shaded positions the bush is open and becomes a little leggy. In good sun the growth habit is more compact and flowers will be more prolific.
A few forms are available with a naturally more compact and bushy habit. This is an excellent plant in a native garden or in a mixed border. It can be used as a low hedge and will attract birds to the garden when in flower.
How to Grow Eremophila maculata – Basic Care
Best grown in an open sunny position with well drained soil.
- Mulching around the plant is recommended to help retain some moisture.
- When first planted, regular watering will assist with good growth.
- Pruning is recommended to maintain a nice bushy habit.
Eremophila maculata Varieties
Eremophila maculata compacta is a small growing species to 60cm, the flowers seem larger and longer flowering than those on Eremophila maculata.
One of the best varieties for the home garden, and sometimes called the ‘spotted emu Bush’, this is a naturally neat growing plant, that is tip pruned will form a neat and attractive small mounded shrub.
One of the easiest species to grow and with the form being lower growing than most it excels with its large flowers, a brilliant magenta red, that contrasts well with the mid to deep green foliage.
Excellent for landscaping when used in mass plantings
Others Include
- E. maculata ‘Aurea’ is yellow flowering as the name suggests.
- E. maculata ‘Magenta form’ has the best red flowers.
- E. Maculata ‘Silver Hybrid’ has attractive grey green to silvery foliage.
- E. maculata ‘Valentine’ has good red flowers.
Summary Information
- Botanical/Scientific Name – Eremophila maculata
- Common Name – Spotted Emu Bush
- Family – Scrophulariaceae
- Position – Part shade to full sun.
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – 1 – 1.5 metres
- Spread – Around 1.5 metres.
- Flowers – Magenta, Purple, Red, Yellow and White
- Flowering time – Spring
- Foliage Mid green, lanceolate in shape.
- Frost tolerant – Moderate
- Drought tolerant – Yes