With very attractive bell shaped flowers that hang beneath the foliage, Epacris impressa is sometimes called the Common Heath.
The ideal position to grow Epacris impress is in a well drained soil, in full sun to a little shade.
It naturally grows over wide areas of south eastern Australia to Tasmania, and with the main flush of flowers being in winter it makes a very useful addition to the garden.
The flowers attract nectar seeking birds and bees to the garden as well as being bright and cheerful. And this is a plant used by florists.
Epacris impressa varieties
Flowers do range in colour depending on the form, from pink through to red. A white form is also available.
E. impressa var.grandiflora, found in western Victoria has larger flowers than the other forms. The pink flowering form is the Floral emblem of Victoria.
This is plant that makes a good feature plant in the garden or in a container.

In a well drained soil and a position with good morning sun Epacris impressa is easy care. It can be grown in a container and is suited to smaller gardens.
In areas with clay or wet soils it is best to hill up or mound the soil and plant into this raised area.
It is not suited to areas with high humidity.
Propagation is from seed or from semi-hardwood cuttings.
Very little pruning is required, light tip pruning can maintain a more bushy habit if needed. The flowers can also be cut for indoor use.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Epacris impressa.
- Family – Ericaceae.
- Common Name – Common heath. Pink Heath
- Climate zones – Cool to warm and cool temperate zone
- Position – Sun to Part shade.
- Soil – Well drained with some moisture during dry summers. Sandy loam suits well.
- Height – To around 1 – 2 metres
- Spread – To around 1 – 1.5 metres
- Flowers – Pink to Red.
- Flowering Time – Autumn through Winter into Spring
- Foliage – Mid green in colour and evergreen..
- Frost tolerant – Light frosts to medium frosts.
- Drought tolerant – Medium.
- Fauna – In flower it will attract nectar seeking birds to the garden.