A low growing suckering shrub, Dampiera rosmarinifolia with masses of violet blue flowers makes an attractive grown cover plant.
Native to the Mallee areas of Western Victoria into South Australia to the Eyre Peninsula, this is a plant that grows well in full sun.
In flower it attracts bees and insects to the garden, it can be used to grow along retaining walls, and it will grow in containers. The common name comes from the foliage that looks like that os rosemary.
Care and Growing Conditions.
A long as the soil is very well drained and the plant gets plenty of sun, Dampiera rosmarinifolia will thrive in a range of conditions.It will not grow well in wet boggy soils and is not suited humid tropical conditions.
This is a naturally suckering shrub and will spread to form a dense clump over time.

Hard pruning into older wood is not recommended. However light pruning and pruning out very old growth will help keep the plant looking good.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Dampiera rosmarinifolia
- Common Name – Native Rosemary, Rosemary Leafed Dampiera
- Family – Goodeniaceae
- Position – Full sun.
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – To around .7 metres
- Spread – To around .1.5 metres
- Growth rate – Medium to fast
- Foliage – Mid green.
- Flowers – Violet Blue.
- Flowering time – Spring to summer.
- Frost tolerant – Yes once established
- Drought tolerant – Yes once established.