Australian native plant seeds are an excellent way to re vegetate areas. Native seeds are also a great way to grow Australian Native Plants. Seeds are available by mail order and online from specialist suppliers.
Some of the most popular seeds are wildflower seeds, the variety available range from some very easy to grow types such as the everlasting’s, to more long term propositions such as Grass Trees and Kangaroo Paw seeds.
Nearly all seeds are either collected from the wild under licence although some are commercially grown. It is the germination of seeds that is the important step when looking at suppliers.
Some seed suppliers will pre treat seeds, other provide ‘smoke granules’.
Germination techniques for Australian Native Seeds include :
- Smoke This imitates the effects that a fire has on some species. The seeds respond to the smoke in special granules or from ‘smoke water’.
- Scarification This simply means abrasion of the seed to help break down the protective coating. Sandpaper can be used, larger seeds can be ‘knicked’ with a sharp blade.
- Stratification Not as common with Australian seeds, however some seeds respond being stored in a cool place such as the crisper in a refrigerator for 2 – 3 months
- Hot Water Simply pouring boiling water over seeds to break down the hard external coating.
Many Australian native Plant seeds require special treatment to germinate so be sure to obtain a fact sheet when purchasing seeds. Different seeds respond t o different germination methods, so look for full instructions when you buy seeds.
Supplier of Australian Native Seeds Include
Native grasses, sedges, rushes, lilies, wetland plants, ornamental grasses and grass trees. Contract growing. Cells, tubes and pots. Contemporary water wise garden solutions and revegetation specialists. Unique garden decor, pots and original sculptures. Delivery available.
470 Monbulk-Silvan Road Monbulk VIC 3793
"Guaranteed mail order flowering bulbs, perennials, roses, trees, landscaping plants, garden accessories and community fundraising Austra lia-wide."
DIVERSITY NATIVE SEEDS – phone: 02 6842 2959 Sarana Timor Rd: Coonabarabran NSW 2357 Diversity Native Seeds supplies high quality Australian native seed including tree, shrub, grass and under storey species used in ecological restoration and mine site rehabilitation.
SEEDNEEDS Native Seed Suppliers – phone: 0424331920 30b Wooderson View Albany WA 6330 Collector and Supplier of WA indigenous flora seed, committed to preserving biodiversity. Contact for stock list or to place an order.
NATIVE SEEDS Pty Ltd – phone: 9555 1722 34/148 Chesterville Rd Melbourne Vic 3188 Suppliers and growers of high quality seeds of Australian native grasses, flowers, shrubs and trees.
AUSTRALIAN WILDFLOWER SEEDS Pty Ltd – phone 08 94706996 Fax 08 94706999 PO Box 3139 Carlisle South WA 6101 Australian Wildflower Seeds Presentation Range 35 varieties. Non Presentation Range Many species. Free colour brochure available on request
Banksia Farm ph: (08) 9851 1770 PO Box 132, Mount Barker, Western Australia, 6324
Large collection of Banksia species. Seed list available.
R and K Horner ph: (08) 8952 8583. 1 Grundy Street, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 0870
Specialising in seeds from central Australia.
Wildseed Tasmania 91 Weston Hill Rd Sorrell, Tasmania, 7172
Specialising in Tasmanian species. Summary Information