The Whirrakee Wattle
A smaller growing species Acacia williamsonii or “Whirrakee Wattle” can be found growing from Victoria into New South Wales.
This is a shrub like plant, masses of yellow flowers in late winter to spring on a small plant that will reach around 2 metres in height.
Found growing all through the goldfields areas around Bendigo, it is fast to establish and a good plant for revegetation of degraded areas.
With its naturally smaller habit Acacia williamsonii could also be used a a low hedging plant in larger properties.
Best grown in full sun and a well drained soil this is a species that will grow well on poorer soils. In can cope with clay soils as long as they are not prone to becoming waterlogged.
This has become a rare plant in cultivation and is difficult to find in nurseries
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Acacia williamsonii
- Common Name – Whirrakee Wattle
- Position – Full sun to a little shade.
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – To around 2 metres, sometimes taller.
- Spread – To around 2 metres.
- Flowers – Golden yellow
- Flowering Time – Winter to spring.
- Foliage – Mid green
- Frost tolerant – Yes
- Drought tolerant – Yes