Maiden’s Wattle Tree
Acacia maidenii or ‘Maiden’s Wattle Trees’ are native to New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria and have been used in both the USA and India.
A fast growing Acacia reaching 15m. Flowering in late summer Acacia maidenii or ‘Maiden’s Wattle’ will do well in full sun to part shade.
Growing naturally is wet Sclerophyll forests this is an adapable plant tolerating a number of soil types.
Landscaping Uses
This is a versatile tree that copes well wil most soil conditions except for waterlogged areas. Fast growing it will grow well in full sun to part shade.
Pale yellow flowers from summer through to winter. Seed pods contain saponins. Bark is rough and on older specimens becomes deeply fissured.
This is also a host plant for a number of butterfly species including the Tailed Emperor which is a large and beautiful butterfly, as well as the ‘Two’ or ‘Double Spotted Line Blue’ a much smaller species.
The seed pods attract a number of native birds including King Parrots, Black Cockatoo, and the Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo.
Where To Buy Acacia maidenii
email ask@plantmark.com.au
One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.
BUSHLAND FLORA (Wholesale) PO Box 110 Mt Evelyn VIC 3796 email: sales@bushlandflora.com.au ph 03 9736 4364 fax 03 9736 4716 Bushland Flora are suppliers od Australian native plants, specializing in indigenous tubestock, 14cm and 20cm pots. Grasses, trees, large shrubs, medium shrubs, tall shrubs and ground covers. Includes Acacia cognata
CARAWAH NURSERY 15 Falls Road Hoddles Creek Victoria 3139 phone: 59674244 fax: 59674239 Wholesale propagators specialising in Australian Native Tubestock. Our list comprises of hard to grow and pictorial lines. Monthly & Annual Forward Order catalogue. Accredited to all States.