If someone mentions ‘Palm Trees Melbourne’ it sounds a little strange for a cold climate. However a wide range of Palm trees of different size and appearance are suitable for growing in the cooler climates of Melbourne and Victoria.
Palm trees are available to buy in a range of sizes from small potted palms to advanced specimen trees ready for planting in commercial developments.
Palm trees are used to create a tropical look, and although Melbourne is not exactly a tropical paradise a number of cold hardy palm trees will grow well in our climate.
A quick walk around the Botanical gardens in Melbourne will quickly show that it is possible to grow a wide range of palm trees in Melbourne’s cooler climate. Naturally growing conditions will differ greatly depending on actual location in Melbourne and the local micro climate.
A walk along the foreshore at St Kilda or through Dandenong Rd in Windsor will quickly show that some palm trees will thrive in Melbourne and have done for 100s of years.
Trees from established local suppliers are acclimatised to our cooler climate and have a better survival rate than those recently imported from warmer areas. So ask the question, how long has the tree been in Melbourne.
Palm Trees to consider for Melbourne.
We list some of the better palm tree species for growing in Melbournes climate.
- Arenga engleri or Dwarf sugar palm
- Raphis excelsa or Lady Palm
- Butia capitata or Jelly Palm
- Chamaerops humilis – European Fan Palm
2 – 5 m Slow growing and can be used as an understory plant. - Trachycarpus fortunei or Windmill Palm
Cold tolerant 3 – 5m plus - Phoenix canariensis or Canary Island Date Palm
- Livstona chinensis – Chinese Fan Paln
- Beaucarnea recurvata – PonytailPalm
- Arconophoenix cunninhamiana
- Livstona australis Cabbage Palm
- Phoenix roebelenii – Dwarf Date Palm
2 – 3m
You can buy palm trees from the following participating nurseries
685 Mickleham Rd, GreenVale,Vic 3059
Grass trees, palms, ferns, bromeliads, cycads, cordylines, yucca, bannanas, birds of paradise, succulents, dracaenas, ponytails, for all gardens sizes from small to large landscaped gardens. Advanced Date Palms available.
Phone: 0411 435 314
Online Retailer of Landscaping Plants, large quantities of small pot sizes up to advanced sizes & plant Sourcing.