Native Plants for Brisbane Queensland and the Gold Coast

Looking for a Native Plant Nursery in Brisbane and Queensland (QLD) . We provide a list of specialist Australian Native plant Nurseries and native trees nurseries who stock a range of Australian Native Plants for Brisbane, Gold Coast and QLD soil and conditions.
The climate in QLD allows a range of tropical and sub tropical Australian Native plants to be grown that will not survive in cooler climates.
A specialist native tree grower or native plant nursery can provide you with the widest range of Australian Native Plants including the latest cultivars that are suitable for use in home gardens, parks and for general landscaping use.
A List of Native Plants for Brisbane and Queensland
Low Growing Native plants groundcovers, grasses and vines
- Forest Daisies Brachyscome spp.
- Flax Lillies Dianella spp.
- Rasp Fern Doodia aspera
- Bower of Beauty Pandorea jasminoides
- Creeping Boobialla Myoporum
- Chamomile Sunray Rhodanthe anthemoides
- Christmas Bells Blandfordia grandiflora
- Fan Flower Scaevola aemula
- Cousin It ‘Casuarina Glauca’
- Native Violet Viola banksii
- Binung Christella dentata
- Jungle Brake Fern Pteris umbrosa
- Xanthorrhoea johnsonii
- Golden Everlasting Xerochrysum bracteatum
Small Growing Native shrubs – 1-2 metres
- Midyim Berry Austromyrtus dulcis
- Bird’s Nest Fern Asplenium australasicum
- Brisbane Lily Proiphys cunninghamii
- Gristle Fern Blechnum cartilagineum
- Hairy Bush Pea Pultenaea villosa
- Keys Boronia Boronia keysii – Rare
- Coastal Rosemary Westringia fruticosa
- Melaleuca ‘Claret Tops’
- Broad-Leaved Banksia Banksia robur
- Wallum Bottlebrush Callistemon pachyphyllus
- Geebung Persoonia cornifolia
- Syzygium ‘Aussie Boomer’
- Hop Bush Dodonaea
Medium Growing Native shrubs 2-5 metres
- Golden Candlesticks Banksia spinulosa
- Native Hibiscus Hibiscus heterophyllus
- Bottlebrushes Melaleuca (Callistemon) spp.
- White Bottlebrush Callistemon salignus
- Hickory Wattle Acacia penninervis
- Butterfly Bush Pavetta australiensis
- Forest Grass Tree Xanthorrhoea johnsonii
- Brisbane Laurel – Pittosporum revolutum
- Lolly Bush Clerodendrum floribundum
- Geebung Persoonia cornifolia
- Walking Stick Palm Linospadix monostachya
- Velvet Leaf Callicarpa pedunculata
Small Growing Native Trees
- Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardioides
- Black She-Oak Allocasuarina littoralis
- Common Lilly Pilly Acmena smithii
- Smooth Davidson’s Plum Davidsonia johnsonii
- Sandpaper Fig Ficus fraseri
- Snow In Summer Melaleuca linariifolia
- Brown Gardenia, Native
- Gardenia Atractocarpus fitzalanii
- White Cedar Melia azedarach
- Golden penda Xanthostemon chrysanthus
- Ivory Curl Flower Buckinghamia celsissima
Nurseries such as Ross Evans Garden Centre in Coombabah stock a good range of Australian Native Plants for QLD soils and conditions and Vaughans Native Plants sell by mail order to Brisbane and QLD, they provide the best range of grafted Australian Native Plants that we have seen.
Native plants are available for sale from the following nurseries in Queensland
300 Oxley Drive Coombabah QLD 4216
Located on the north end of the Gold Coast at Runaway Bay. The 6 acre site is home to Queensland's biggest & best garden centre. Selling in volume direct to the public. Focus on top quality both in our plant & pot ranges.
These nurseries and garden centres carry a large range of specialist plants and garden related products for Brisbane and QLD.
- Rose Nurseries for QLD, Brisbane
- Bonsai Trees and Nurseries for QLD
- Native Plant Nurseries for Brisbane and Gold Coast
- Fruit Tree Nurseries for QLD
- Bamboo Nurseries for Brisbane, QLD
- Water Features for Brisbane and Queensland
- Wholesale Nurseries for Brisbane and QLD
- Garden Pots and Planters Brisbane, QLD