Fast Fruit! Exotic!
The Tamarillo Tree
The Tamarillo is a useful and very attractive small tree for the edible garden; fast growing, fruits within 18 months and bears a heavy crop each year. It has large, heart-shaped leaves and the bright fruit decorates the tree beautifully.
Tamarillos grow well in temperate climates, protected from frost and wind. My tree has thrived for years in the Dandenong Ranges in a sheltered spot that gets the morning sun. Plant in light well-drained soils. They have shallow roots, so mulch well and water during dry spells.
Tamarillos grow to about two metres. They are fast growing and fruit well by the second year. The flowers grow in attractive pink clusters. When they are about a metre tall, it is a good idea to prune the tree so strong branches develop to bear the clusters of fruit.
A low maintenance fruit tree that is a pleasure to have in the garden.
How to grow Tamarillo
You can grow Tamarallo from seed, from cuttings or from seedling plants.
They are a shallow rooted plant so do not like root competition and yes they can be grown in containers,
- A position in full sun is best, afternoon shade in very hot climates can be beneficial.
- A humus rich soil that drains well is required. Dig in compost and aged cow manure before planting.
- Protection from strong winds is also recommended, as is protection from frost.
- Plant in early spring in cooler climates or in autumn in sub tropical zones.
- Plant young plants or seedings and water in well with liquid fertiliser.
- Mulch around the plant to maintain a cool moist root run for those shallow roots.
- Stake the plant to prevent damage.
- Apply a slow release general purpose fertiliser after planting.
- Fertilise every 3 weeks with a liquid fertiliser through the growing season
These are an evergreen plant in warmer zones, deciduous in cooler zones. In good conditions plants will last for 8 – 10 years. They can take 2 years to produce fruit from planting time.
Harvest the fruit when it deep red. Leave to ripen for 2 weeks to lower acidity.
Pruning Tamarillo Trees
Prune after the tree has finished fruiting. Keep the branches short to provide a stronger framework.

The Fruit
Tamarillo fruit are shiny, egg-shaped, in bright colours from deep red to yellow. They look fabulous in the fruit bowl, or sliced on the cheese platter.
They can be eaten raw with a spoon, pureed for dessert toppings, stewed, used in curries and casseroles, baked, fried, or made into sauces and chutneys.
The fruit is high in Vitamins A, B6 and C. The red fruit are the most exotic with a unique, tangy flavour. The amber and yellow fruit are sweeter and very delicious.
Fruit ripens in autumn and winter. Pick the fruit when they are slightly soft, then let them ripen in the fruit bowl. The fruit will become sweeter after about week in the bowl.
They also keep well in the fridge and each tree produces fruit from May until October. Enough to keep your friends and family happy for months!