As all plum lovers know, Prune Trees are really Plum trees they are just better varieties for drying, and you can grow them in the home garden.
Best Prune Trees – Plum Tree Varieties for Prunes.
If you want to grow make your own prunes, you will need the right plum tree to start with. Prunes are after all simply dried plums, however some varieties are better than others.
Trees that we grow for the production of Prunes are simply Plum trees that are selected for a few characteristics. Its not simply the plum tree that produces the most fruit. It is the plum tree that produces the most fruit with the highest sugar content that will make the best prunes.
Probably the best known variety is D’Agen, this is a french variety, very sweet yellow flesh and a versatile tree as well. You can eat the fruit fresh, as well as dry it to make prunes. A second well known variety is the ‘Stanley’, another very sweet plum which can be used for a variety of purposes including dryig to make prunes. Well suited to bottling as well.
Grown widely in Australia prune trees are plum tree varieties such as the Italian Prune, French Prune, Stanley and Sugar Prune all being popular. All of these have a high sugar content which makes them better for drying.
You can find Prune Trees (Plum Trees) for making Prunes for sale online at the following nurseries
55 McDougal Rd Neerim South Victoria 3831 PH: (03) 56281507
Advanced ornamental trees and garden designs and concept plans. Direct to your property combined with specialist knowledge and outstanding service.