Without doubt, peaches fresh from the tree are a wonderful fruit. In the past only larger gardens could afford the space for most peach varieties. Today with dwarf typed becoming available peaches can be grown in smaller gardens as well as in containers. All varieties require a humus rich moist but well drained soil and a sunny position.

When to plant
Bare rooted trees are purchased in early winter and should be planted as soon as possible. Container grown trees should be planted in autumn or winter, although you can plant them at any time of the year if you are prepared to take extra care and water through the summer.
Peach tree varieties for Australia
Peach trees are great for the home garden and include ‘dwarf’ varieties such as ‘Pixzee’ as well as Golden Tatura, Scarlett O’Hara, Spring Crest . Peaches originate form China but have been heavily hybridised in the USA. Clingstone peaches that maintain texture and flavor were developed when processed and this led to canned peaches.
Other varieties include:
White Peaches such as Anzac, Briggs Red May, Fragar, Julie and Tasty Zee.
Yellow Peaches such as Flavorcrest , Elberta, Early O’Henry, Golden Queen, O’Henry, Redtop and Taylor Queen.
Care and Growing Conditions
- A well drained humus rich soil is best.
- Choose a position that is sheltered from strong winds
- Peach Trees generally require a cool winter to grow well and produce fruit.
- Pruning is generally not required on a regular basis.
- Watch out for problems such as ‘Leaf Gall’ and treat immeadiatly
Dwarf Peach varieties
Look for ‘Golden Queen’ which is grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock, a yellow clingstone great for eating as well as preserving. The semi dwarf ‘Suncrest’ is a little larger but generally less than 3m in height. The smallest of all is ‘Val’ a tree that will reach less than 2m.
Other dwarf varieties include
- Dwarf Peach ‘Anzac’
- Dwarf Peach ‘Black Boy’
- Dwarf Peach ‘Fresno’
Chill requirements
When looking for peach trees consider the ‘chill requirement’, some require less hours of chill than others.
Peach Trees are available for sale online from the following growers and nurseries
Carey Gully, Adelaide Hills.
Family business selling a large range of deciduous trees in pots 1-4m high. Crepe myrtle specialist. Includes Ornamental pears & plums, Red maples, Japanese maples, Gingko, Cercis, Ash, Birch, Crab apples, Weeping cherries, Gleditsia, Liquidambar and more. Hedging plants, evergreen trees & fruit trees.
Mail order fruit tree nursery with over 200 temperate climate fruit trees.
Heritage varieties and dwarf fruit trees. Apple Trees, Stone Fruit, Nut Trees and Berry Fruit.
55 McDougal Rd Neerim South Victoria 3831 PH: (03) 56281507
Advanced ornamental trees and garden designs and concept plans. Direct to your property combined with specialist knowledge and outstanding service.