The Macadamia nut tree is native to the subtropical areas of Australia’s east coast and is grown commercially not only in Australia but also in Hawaii.
It is a tree that requires a good deep humus rich soil to grow well and although you can grow them from seed it is grafted varieties that are used for commercial nut production.
Of the Four species two are used for commercial nut production Macadamia tertraphylla and Macadamia integrifolia
Macadamia Tree varieties
Wholesale growers offer a number of improved varieties identified by numbers, including A4, A16, A38, 814, 849, 842, 660, 741, 246. Those with the letter A are Australian developed cultivars, the others are Hawaiian.
Some trees are upright in growth habit, others have a more spreading habit.
Different cultivars will produce nuts at different times from very earl through to mid and late season types.
For a small tree, best suited to home gardens, look for 814.
Macadamia nut trees will grow as far south as Melbourne, and even in the nearby hills. They will flower and produce nuts even in this cool environment.
MacadamiaTrees are available for sale from the following participating nurseries
Lot 522 Pavans Access Grassy Head NSW 2441
Fruit trees specialising in Avocados, Custard apples, Persimmons, Jackfruit,Black Sapote and Pomegranates. Online sales and Wholesale.
Wooyung, NSW, 2483
Wholesale – Macadamia (grafted or rootstock), Pomegranate – incl. Wonderful, Fig incl. Black Genoa or enquire about other species.
Ph: 0434 705 971