How to Make your own Fruit Fly Traps
The idea behind fruit fly traps is that the fruit flies are attracted by the smell of the bait. They enter the trap through a hole 2/3 way up the trap. They fly down to the bait and then up to the top which is closed by the cap on the bottle.
As they can’t find the holes they came into the bottle by, they then drown in the liquid below.
- Take a plastic bottle any size however larger ones seem to be better. 1, 1.5 or 2ltr
- Drill 3 or 4 holes on the bottle 2/3 way up evenly spaced.
- make a mixture of water, liquid soap and vegemite
- Attach a string to the neck of the bottle and make sure the screw cap is on.
- Hang 3 – 4 traps from each fruit tree. Try to hang them in shaded positions for best results.
- Clean up any rotted or fallen fruit on the ground.
- Leave the bottles hanging and check them every few days.
- Do not let the bottles dry out through evaporation.
- Wash out the bottle and the dead fruit flies and replace the bait (liquid) every two weeks or as needed.
Bait for fruit fly traps.
All you need now is some bait for you fruit fly trap. Something that smells attractive to them. A number of fruit fly bait recipes are suggested.
All measurements are approximate and for 2 ltr bottles, you can use a little less if you like.
- 1L water
25ml cloudy ammonia
5ml vanila essence - Orange peel
50 ml cloudy ammonia
1L water - 1L water
2grams brewers yeast
100grams sugar - 1L water
1 table spoon vegemite
1 table spoon dishwashing liquid