If you are looking for the easiest Tulips to grow, then the species tulips are the ones. You do not have to dig them, the flowers are elegant and the flower reliably year after year.
We were first introduced to Species Tulips (Tulipa) by Shirley Tonkin and we now have more of these in the garden than the modern cultivars.
Generally they are smaller growing than the hybrids, however they are no less colorful and in our opinion elegant and defiantly easier to grow, as well as hardier than their florist shop relatives.
In the Australian climate they thrive, a hot summer is no problem as they are dormant anyway, and as long as the soil is well drained you are pretty much on the way to successful growth.
Species Tulips – Varieties
When you see names like Tulipa aucheriana (pictured above right), hageri, kaufmanniana, kolpakowskiana, marjoletti, mauritiana, saxatalis, sylverstris, turkestanica and whittallii you are looking at the plants that have been hybridised to create the modern cultivars.
- Grow them in the garden in a well drained humus rich soil in a sunny position
- In pots or containers again, good sun and a well drained soil.
- Add a little lime to the soil and some well rotted compost.
- Plant them at a depth of around 15 cm
- Fertilise with an all purpose liquid seaweed fertiliser
- Divide every three to four years to prevent species tulips from overcrowding
You can buy Species Tulips from the following nurseries in Australia
'Sylvan Vale' 375 Olinda Creek Rd, Kalorama, VIC.3766
Including a large range of Rare and unusual bulbs, corms and perennials
365 Lighthouse Rd Wynyard. TAS 7325
PH 03 6442 2012
email to: sales@vdqbulbs.com.au
2 Jacksons Hill Rd, Menzies Creek VIC 3159
Hundreds of different varieties of daffodils as well as other beautiful spring & autumn flowering bulbs for home gardeners. Free colour catalogues available. Tulips, Daffodils,Alliums, Freesias, Iris and many other bulbs.