The Candelabra Lily
Brunsvigia, like many of the Amaryllidaceae are from South Africa and are drought tolerant that will reward you with a fantastic flower show in summer.
Around 21 species have been identified all from temperate climates and most with bulbs that are semi exposed at the surface level.
Althoughnthey all come from Southern Africa, some are from winter rainfall areas and some species from summer rainfall areas, Some flower before the foliage and some with the foliage, so not all are treated in the same way when grown outside the natural environment
Josephines Lily or B. josephinae (pictured right) is probably the best known of the species.
How To Grow Brunvigia – Basic Care and Growing Conditions
The watering requirements of different species needs to be controlled, so again, outside the natural environment, growing in containers is usually the most successful method of cultivation.
- All species require a well drained soil, and all have deep or large root systems so large containers are required as bulbs reach mature sizes.
- Cold climate zones are not conducive to good growth, so a greenhouse situation may be needed.
- Brunsvigia require a well drained soil and full sun.
- All species require excellent drainage. Different species will require slightly different growing conditions, however sun and drainage are the main elements. If you are buying bulbs ask for growing instructions for the particular species.
Brunsvigia Species
- B. striata is one of the smaller growing species.
- B. orientalis despite its name is from South Africa
- B. bosmaniae has arguably the best flowers of them all.
- B. josephiniae is perhaps the largest of all of the species.
- B. elandsmontana is a newly discovered species m small growing but with really attractive lipstick pink flowers.
- B. marginata with its red flowers has been in cultivation since the 1750s.
Both Brunsvigia litoralis (meaning the coastal Brunsvigia) and Brunsvigia josephiniae flower before the foliage,
Don’t get these confused with Brunsvigia rosea which is actually Amaryllis belladonna (the Belladonna Lily or Naked Lady).
Also × Amarygia ‘Tubergenii’. Which is a hybrid/
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