In Australia Bearded Iris or ‘Iris Germanica’ are available for sale in six main varieties, Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris, Standard Dwarf , Intermediate , Border and Tall. These are tough drought tolerant plants that will flower from late winter through to summer depending on variety
All Bearded Iris are fairly shallow rooted and when planting require a sunny well drained position. These Iris flower after tulips have finished, and before most perennials flower.

These are probably the most popular of all iris, attractive, tough and drought tolerant. With dwarf, intermediate and tall growing forms and a huge range of colours you are sure to find a suitable bearded iris for any situation.
Tall Bearded Iris
It is the tall varieties that we most often see in the gardens across Australia they can reach around .5 to .8m in height. They really are a hardy plant thriving in hot summers and yet appreciating our cold winters.
With many new releases each year cultivar names do change, ‘Victoria Falls’ with its blue flowers and ‘Winterland’ with white flowers with a touch of pink are two popular varieties.
All will grow well from Sydney through to Melbourne and Hobart, in Brisbane and and in the warmer suburbs of Adelaide Perth and even Western Sydney the lack of a winter chill can inhibit flowering.

Bearded Iris Varieties
With many breeders producing new cultivars every year in Australia the variety for sale online is huge, and these are a plant that travel fairly well as dormant rhizomes. Remember that these wonderful flowering plants come in a range of heights, from around 30cm for dwarfs to over a metre for the tall growing types.
As for flower color, you can find bearded iris ranging from whites and blues through to reds and browns, you name it it is available.
How To Grow Bearded Iris – Basic Care

Excessive shade may inhibit flowering so choose a sunny spot.
- Bearded Iris perform best with at least 6 hours full sun a day during summer.
- Plant Bearded Iris at or slightly below the soil surface with roots set in the soil and the rhizome itself sitting just above soil level.
- Protection from very hot afternoon sun is desirable.
- Bearded Iris also require a cool winter to perform at their best.
- If you apply too much nitrogen you can end up with great foliage, but no flowers, so watch the type of fertiliser you use.
Another factor that can stop flowering is over fertilization or very rich soils, this encourages foliage growth, and although the foliage is attractive with a tall green sword like appearance it is the flowers we are after.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Iris x germanica.
- Common Name – Bearded Iris.
- Position – Full sun.
- Soil – Humus rich well drained.
- Height – To around 1 metre. Some varieties smaller.
- Flowers – Varied in colour from white through to near black.
- Flowering time – Spring to summer.
- Foliage – Md green and stiffly upright.
- Drought tolerant – Yes
- Frost tolerant – Medium frosts.
Dividing Bearded Iris
When crowded these iris tend not to flower, so if the clump is getting to big, divide it. Remember that Bearded Iris sometimes require a season to ‘settle in’ to new conditions, so if your bearded iris does not flower in the first spring, be patient.
Bearded Iris are available for sale from the following online nurseries
Smokin Heights; Team of Mel and Bailey Schiller. We specialize in growing, hybridizing and also import Bearded Iris. We carry an ICA permit for shipping to WA & TAS. Find us online or follow us on Facebook/Instagram for updates.
www.smokinheights.com.au .
145 Strongs Lane, Lockhart, NSW, 2656
Iris and daylily nursery with over 400 varieties, online shop with colour catalogue and paypal.
365 Lighthouse Rd Wynyard. TAS 7325
PH 03 6442 2012
email to: sales@vdqbulbs.com.au
Other Iris of interest
- Algerian Iris
- Siberian Iris
- Dwarf Bearded Iris
- Dutch Iris
- Iris histriodes
- Iris pallida
- Iris pseudacorus
- Iris reticulata
- Japanese Roof Iris
- Louisiana Iris
- Pacific Coast Iris
- Spuria Iris
- Japanese Iris
- Species Iris
- Iris plants for sale
Other Suppliers
RAINBOW DAYLILIES & IRISES Ph: (08) 97553006 – Mob: 0437206207
P.O. Box 504 DUNSBOROUGH W A 6281