Amorphophallus bulbs plants
Amorphophallus are a large genus of tuberous bulbs or plants mainly from West Africa to the Pacific Islands(over 150 species) members of the the arum family.
- One of the most accessible for sale in Australia is the popular Amomorphallus Konjac with its large deep red flowers spotted stem and large leaves.
- Amorphophallus paeoniifolius or ‘Elephant Yam’ is found in the tropical areas of far North Queensland.
- A. prainii has creamy flowers.
- The huge Amorphophallus titanum has a giant flower that can reach 2.5m. Some species are said to have a tendancy to ‘smell’ a little when first flowering, but they are spectacular.
- A. bulbifer is another easy species.
- A.dunnii, commonly called Dunn’s Voodoo Lily and regarded as one of the more attractive of the genus and also easy to grow. Yellow to green pale spathe with a crimson throat. Frosty white spadix and a mottles green flower stalk.
Growing Amomorphallus
Amomorphallus species can be propagated from offsets or grown from seeds. The roots of Amorphophallus are formed on the top of the bulb so be careful when planting. We suggest growing these plants in a large pot or container. Water and fertilize Amophophallus when the plant is in active growth and keep reasonably dry during dormancy.
So for the regular gardener, try A.konjac or A.bulbifer, not that difficult. If you are keen try growing the fantastic A. titanium, a sure talking point when flowering.
Amorphophallus bulbs and plants are available for sale from the following nurseries
WHITE HOUSE NURSERY - Jess Exiner & Peter Harris
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much
PO Box 7040 Leura NSW 2780
Rare woodland plants, Trilliums Epimediums, Arisaemas, plus much
BRYAN H TONKIN - Ph (03) 9728 1295 Fax (03) 9728 1299
'Sylvan Vale' 375 Olinda Creek Rd, Kalorama, VIC.3766
Including a large range of Rare and unusual bulbs, corms and perennials
'Sylvan Vale' 375 Olinda Creek Rd, Kalorama, VIC.3766
Including a large range of Rare and unusual bulbs, corms and perennials
PERENNIALLE PLANTS - phone: 0427077798
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.
52 Rodd St Canowindra NSW 2804
An online nursery specialising in drought and frost tolerant perennials and fragrant, edible and herbs.