The species Albuca are a relatively large group of bulbs from Southern Africa and like most plants from this region do very well in South Eastern Australia.
In general they are easy to care for in sunny to part shaded position, they do require a well drained soil. Flowering early in summer these are a hardy bulb, fairly drought tolerant and they can be grown in pots or containers.
Albuca species :
A. spiralis. A fascinating species, (pictured right) lower growing than its relatives, it grows amongst other plants and uses its foliage to ‘climb’ over other plants. (Rare)
A. canadensis, usually evergreen and requires some moisture up until the end of its flowering season. Height 50cm. Spread clumping. Position full sun to part shade. Flowers early summer. Medium drought tolerance.
A. circinata syn A. namaquensis is from South Africa and is similar to A. spirals in growth habit, nice yellow open flowers with faint green markings, but difficult to find for sale in Australia, leaves tend to coil in hot weather. Other species include : A. batteniana, and A. nelsonii.
More Bulb Resources
- Flowering Bulbs (general)
- Bulb Planting Guide
- Growing Arisaema Bulbs
- Growing Saffron Crocus
- Flower Bulbs in the USA
- Flower Bulbs in the UK
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Albuca are a genus of plants in the family Hyacinthaceae. Most of the 30 species of bulbous plants in this genus are native to Southern Africa, only a few are suited for cultivation. Leaves range in length from 3 in(8 cm) to 4 ft(1.2 m) and may be flat or keeled. Scented flowers with 6 petals in bell-shaped, are yellow or greenish white, in loose racemens on tall stems. Fruiting capsule has many black seeds.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuca
Albuca plants, bulbs and species are available from sale from participating nurseries
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order
PO Box 90 Woodbridge TAS 7162
email woodbridge@southcom.com.au
Olinda-Monbulk Rd Olinda VIC.
PH (03) 97512363 – email craigw60@eisa.net.au