The amazing spiral foliage of Albuca spiralis make this a fascinating plant. It grows in hot dry climates and the spiral or ‘corkscrew’ leaves are a built in cooling mechanism.
The formation the leaves is upright stems with spiral tops, this allows good air circulation, the spirals also all seem to point in different directions so part of the foliage is in shade all of the time.
The flower look a little like those of Galanthus in shape, smaller and green with yellow edges.
Albuca spiralis can be grown in a container and it is an easy plant. This is a winter growing plant with summer dormancy.
This is an easy plant to grow if you provide the basic needs.
- Plant in a free draining potting mix.
- Grow in a position in good sun.
- Protect the plant from frost.
- Water regularly during active growth
- Cutback on water during dormancy.
- Never let the bulb sit in wet soil.
- Fertilise in spring with a slow release bulb fertiliser or a good organic fertiliser.
- Remove the old foliage after it has died back in summer.
The variety ‘Frizzle Sizzle’ is said to be a slightly easier to grow plant, discovered in Holland.
Although Albuca spirals requires good sun, very hot sun and dry condition will cause leaf burn.
- In its natural environment Albuca spirals is dormant during summer. It comes back to life with the first rains and then grows through winter. Flowering time late winter to spring.
- The summer dormancy should be dry, this will prevent the bulb from rotting and getting fungal disease. It is common practice to keep it moist over summer so the foliage remains, this defeats the natural requirement of a summer dormancy and can decrease the life of the plant.
- Outside the natural climate the growth cycle, and flowering cycle can differ.

Two methods are possible, from seed and by division.
- Seeds will germinate fairly readily and the best time to sow them is in late summer.
- Use a seed raising mix of perlite and peat.
- Sow the seeds and cover with 2 cm of the perlite /peat mix.
- Keep the seeds moist but not wet.
- Keep the seeds in good sun, and preferably outside over winter – HOWEVER not in zones that get winter freezes and heavy frosts.
- If you need to grow them indoors, provide good air circulation.
- Wait until the new plants have reached a good size before repotting.
- Bulbs should be planted with the tip or neck just above the soil level.
- Leaf Tips Turn Brown.
When the flower stalk appears some gardeners notice the leaf tips turning brown, this is normal. - Leaves are not curling or spiralling
This mostly is due to lack of sun and can also be caused by over watering.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Albuca spiralis
- Common Names – Corkscrew Albuca, Frizzle sizzle plant.
- Family – Hyacinthaceae
- Position – Full sun to part shade
- Soil – Well drained, humus rich soils.
- Height – To around 30 cm
- Spread – Clump forming as bulbs multiply.
- Growth rate – Medium.
- Flowers – Green with yellow edges..
- Flowering time – Spring to Autumn.
- Foliage – Mid to deep green.
- Frost tolerant – Very light frost only.
- Drought tolerant – Yes, once established.
Albuca spiralis is available from sale from participating nurseries
412 James Lane, Fern Hill VIC. 3458 - Phone 0419002651
Large range of Rare plants, Climbers, Bulbs, Perennials Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Available both Retail and by Mail Order