Nidularium plants and species
An epiphytic plant, Nidularium are a bromeliad are a genus of about 50 species native to Brazil and surrounding countries. With an attractive their ‘nest like’ appearance Nidularium species are widely used as house plants and require similar care to many other bromeliads. Popular Nidularium species are widely sought after by collectors.
These also happen to be one of the easier bromeliads to grow, they come from cooler climates than Guzmanias and offer similar attractions. Thriving indoors, they are a plant that doe like strong filtered light, however not direct sun. Most species will grow for 3 – 5 years before flowering. After flowering the parent plant will die, however they do put out offsets and propagation is easy.
They do look similar to Neoregalia and are often mistaken for such.
Nidularium like many bromeliads require very little attention once established.
Occurring naturally in rainforest areas, growing on or close to the ground and can be successfully grown in similar conditions or in a pot or container.
Popular Nidularium species include :
- N.innocentii – Green foliage with a blushing red central rosette.
- N. flugens
- N. rutilans,
- N. scheremetiewii .
- N. procerum.
- N. miranda – Variegated foliage.
As these plants naturally grow in filtered light they are excellent for use indoors. They add a tropical look to shaded outdoor areas as well. They are an excellent plant to grow beneath established trees as they do like the shade provided.
- Free draining potting mix.
- Allow the potting mix to dry between watering.
- Keep the centres filled with water, every 4 weeks change this water.
- Try to keep the plant in a humid position over summer, sitting the container over a water dish filled with pebbles is effective.
- In winter months, cut back on watering and simply keep the potting mix slightly moist, again allowing to dry between waterings.
- Do not use high nitrogen fertiliser.
- Very little fertilizer is required.
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Nidularium are available for sale form the following nurseries
Wide range of Bromeliads, Nepenthies pitcher plants, Anthuriums and Tropical Rhododendrons or Vireyas. All available for sale by mail order from Riverside Bromeliads and Denali Bromeliads.
Sherringtons Lane The Pocket via Billinudgel NSW 2483
phone: 02 66 845 374 fax: 02 66 845168