Bromeliads are a large group of plants with around 70- 75 genera, many individual species and then the hybrids.
With a natural range in the Americas they come from a range of climate zones and altitudes, so care and growing notes differ greatly. Some of the popular species are listed below.

Bromeliads (plants) are readily available for sale in Australia with a range of sizes including, tissue culture stock, through to tube stock and advanced specimens.
We generally suggest that all but experienced growers look for good quality tubestock and larger when buying online. Being a fairly tough plant in many respects bromeliads seem to travel well by mail order, so if packaging is correctly carried out you should receive healthy undamaged plants by post with no problems.

Most species require very little care and can provide brilliant long lasting flower spikes or blooms (see picture right).
Ornamental foliage is another strong point. As they can easily be sent by mail order plants are available for sale online from participating nurseries.They are relatively inexpensive and easy to grow and are drought resistant.
Growing Bromeliads after purchase
Bromeliads are well suited to growing in containers as well as in the ground, they have fairly compact root systems as they are used to growing on trees and rocky outcrops, a free draining potting mix is essential but they require little care once established. In cooler areas container growing can help provide protection from frosts by allowing plants to be moved to a protected position.
Coming in a range of sizes and can be grown indoors in cooler climates or outdoors where temperatures stay above freezing. Bromeliad societies are of great assistance in providing information on care and growing conditions including displays of rare and hard to find species.
Planting, Growing, care and Propagating Bromeliads
All species need a well drained soil, they do well in pots or in the ground. In pots bromeliads do well in a fine orchid mix or even course sand. But remember bromeliads also like a humid environment, around 60% humidity is ideal. Tank bromeliads, are those that hold water in the center, these like to be flushed out one a week.
Most species are easily propagated from pups, new plants thrown off by the parent plant. Wait until the pups reach a good size and the separate them with a sharp knife.
Leave the pup in a shady spot for a day or two to harden off, and then plant out. Bromeliads also can be propagated from seed.
Remember that most bromeliads only flower once, so make sure you keep the pups and you will have an ongoing show.
Landscaping Uses
Widely in landscaping they are popular for both their foliage and colourful flowers.
From vertical gardens, to feature plants as well as for mass planting, these low maintenance plants are becoming a feature of many landscape designs..
They are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and generally are a low maintenance plant.
Bromeliad Varieties – Further Information and Photographs
You can Buy Bromeliads Online from the following nurseries.
357 Monbulk Road SILVAN VIC 3795
Guaranteed "garden worthy" bulbs, plants and perennials. Visit the website to browse our large range of daffodils or request the latest free catalogue.
Wholesale suppliers
One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.