Mulch, Compost and Manure Supplies (Perth)
Garden mulch, manure and compost and mulch, manure and compost supplies for Perth. Suppliers of sugar cane mulch, mushroom compost, horse, cow and sheep manure, bark mulch including red gum and pine bark mulch often offer free delivery within local areas depending on size of order. Includes: horse manure, cow manure, green manure, chicken manure and sheep manure.
Mulch, compost and manure in Perth are all important contributors to soil conditioning and water retention in Perths soils. Mulch compost and manure replenish impoverished soils as well as adding add structure to sandy or clay soils and assisting in water retention.
Mulch need to be applied carefully so as not to be placed against the trunks of trees and shrubs where it can cause rotting.
Manures need to well rotted before applying, especially those high it nitrogen.
Compost may be obtained from your own compost bin, or in bulk (delivered) from garden supply centers listed below, many providing free local delivery.
Mulch is an important part of soil amendment in Perth and is largely aimed at replenishing or creating a better topsoil in the sandy soils of WA.
A common practice is to add lime and fertiliser, addition of compost in the form of garden compost or mulch from bins that dispose of garden and approved organic kitchen waste. However it is common when establishing a new garden, or improving an older garden to need to buy in composts, mulch and manure for this purpose. The use of compost for soil amendment may well reduce the need for fertiliser as well.
If you are considering establishing a vegetable garden a ‘raised garden bed’ where a good commercial soil is used will in the long term benefit both with water retention and productivity
What sort of Mulch is best for Perth Gardens
Mulch is an essential element for every garden in Perth, many suppliers offer free delivery of organic and other mulches within local areas. Prices differ depending on the type of mulch and cheap mulch can be found at certain times of the year, although cheap is not always the best.
Look for a mulch that allows water to penetrate rather than a mulch that ‘absorbs’ moisture. Some mulches are ‘dyed’ so that they ‘look good’ especially in new estates, however this usually fades fairly quickly so probably best not to pay extra for dyed mulch.
Why is mulch so good for gardens in Perth?
- It keeps the soil cool, providing a ‘cool root run’ which most plants enjoy.
- It retains moisture.
- If it is organic mulch breaks down to provide humus to otherwise ‘poor soil’.
- It encourages beneficial microbial and earthworm activity.
Remember that their are two types of organic mulch:
Uncomposted Mulch which is fine for a ground cover but can actually have a negative impact on the garden as it will initially draw nitrogen from the soil. However in thick layers it will also begin to ‘compost itself’ and the heat that it can generate can be detrimental to plant growth.
Composted Mulch if properly prepared will have been composted at a high temperature that will have killed any weeds and seeds as well as bacteria and fungal diseases.
Mulches can also be fine, medium or course. E ach has its advantages and disadvantages. Talk to you local supplier.