Quickly becoming the fastest and cheapest way to propagate many plants Tissue culture works by reproducing plants by cell division. Also known as Micro Plant propagation, specific techniques need to be developed for different plants, some are easier to reproduce by this method than others.
The most common scenario is for nurseries to contract our tissue culture of specific plants to specialist laboratories. Plants are reproduced using Tissue culture techniques and returned to the nursery or grower in flask ready to be grown on in controlled conditions.
When deflasking plants a number of factors need to be taken into account. Some approximates are given for a range of factors.
- Light Levels – Usually controlled to around 70% shade
- Temperature – Usually controlled at between 25 -29 C
- Humidity – Commence at around 85% and reduce to 65%
- Growing Media – Usually a mixture of peat and perlite
- Control of disease and fungus growth through proper hygiene practices.
- Controlled use of fertilizer on young plants.
An increasingly important aspect of plant propagation is tissue culture. This is a technique that allows for the propagation of large numbers of plants with identical characteristics.
Tissue culture laboratories in Australia offer a range of services including contract specialist production for wholesale growers.
Tissue Culture Laboratories in Australia Include.
XARMA Pty. Ltd. – Phone/Fax:- +61 (0)7 5545 4078
P.O.Box 37, EAGLE HEIGHTS, Q 4271
Wide range of species including foliage and unusual plants e.g. Anthurium andreanum: 5 cultivars Aphelandra: 2 varieties Begonia rex: 5 varieties Begonia exotica Caladium: 7 varieties Calathea roseo-picta Capparis spinosa: 3 varieties Cordylines: 13 varieties Dieffenbachia: 4 varieties Lycopodium sqarrosum Nephrolepis: 1 variety Philodendron: 10 varieties Paulownia fortunei Scaevola aemula: 2 varieties Spathiphyllum: 5 varieties Syngonium “White Butterfly”
PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGIES Tasmania Pty. Ltd. – Phone: +61 (0)3 64 343 435
de Boer Drive, Ridgley, 7321, TAS Postal PO Box 63, Ridgley, 7321, TAS
“Contract production service, R & D service for developing tissue culture protocols for your selections. Over 20 years combined experience in research & development covering many plant species. We supply in flasks, or fully deflasked in cells. We specialise in natives, but will consider any plant with solid commercial potential. We also offer our own line of plants, complete with labels. Contact us for a brochure.”
FLORA LABORATORIES (Plant Tissue Culture) – PH/Fax (03) 95842087
18 Mundy St Mentone VIC 3194
e-mail andre@alphalink.com.au
Specialists in orchid seed sowing and tissue culture. See our website, or conatact us.
email: flora_biotech@yahoo.com.au