The versatility of these plants is that Portulaca are sun loving, produce masses of flowers and are drought tolerant. A number of species are available, however it is the cultivars that are most widely grown and offered by wholesale nurseries.
Named cultivars such as Portulaca grandiflora ‘Hot Spots’ make a brilliant landscaping solution for hot dry areas. Flowers are a brilliant scarlet red with contrasting yellow centres. Mass plant them in the garden bed, or grow them in hanging baskets, they work equally well. Flowers do range in colour from yellow through to apricot, red and orange.
Portulaca is a low growing plant from tropical to sub tropical areas. The most common species is Portulaca grandiflora commonly named the moss rose. In warmer climates they are easy to grow, in cooler climates they will also grow well in a sunny warm position and are often treated as an annual. In areas prone to frosts they are problematical.
Excellent ground cover plant, however it does require a warm dry position. Reaching around 12 cm in height it will spread through the garden as allowed. Very low maintenance and well suited for growing in containers.
Also known as Purslane, flowers are generally a rosy pink with a yellow throat, or golden yellow with a pink throat. Other colours are available from some wholesalers. Grows well as far south as Sydney as a perennial and further south as either a perennial or annual.
- Ground cover plant.
- Full sun.’
- Well drained humus rich soil, suited to hanging baskets and containers.
- Fertilise regularly with a general purpose controlled release fertiliser.
- Prune back to maintain a more compact growth habit as well as to encourage a second flush of flowers.