The Pink and White – Pieris Flamingo
An evergreen shrub with pink and white bell shaped flowers Pieris japonica Flamingo flowers in mid to late winter.
With flowers appearing in dense racemes, the new buds are red, opening to bell shaped pink and white.
This is a naturally dense growing plant that requires little to no pruning. Flowering is improved with more sun. we find that a position beneath a deciduous tree is ideal. Here the plant will get the sun it needs in winter to spring, and then dappled shade through the heat of summer.
With very attractive flowers Pieris japonica Flamingo looks great when planted along the edge of a low retaining wall where its flowers are lifted up a little. Also suited to growing on containers.
Pieris japonica Flamingo Care
When planting, dig in some well rotted compost and aged cow manure a few weeks before you plant. Carefully remove the plant from the container and plant at the same level that it was in the pot.
Water Pieris Flamingo in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser. Mulch to maintain a cool moist root run.
Fertilise with an Azalea and Camellia fertiliser in late spring, watering well both before and after fertilising.
Pieris Flamingo – General Information
- Position – Dappled shade or morning sun and afternoon shade is best.
- Soil – A week drained humus rich soil with some moisture over summer.
- Flowers – Pink with flushes of white.
- Foliage – New foliage is a bronze to red that will turn to a mid to deep green as it matures.
- Flowering time – Mid winter to spring.
- Height – To 2 metres over time
- Spread – To 2 metres
- Growth rate – slow
Pieris Flamingo is available for sale from the following participating nurseries
Also Available from the following local nurseries in season
407 -409 Monbulk Rd. Monbulk VIC. 3793 – PH 03 97566107
Good range of Pieris japonica, Fruit Trees, Roses, Perennials and annuals. Includes Avocados for cold climates, persimmon and Olives.