From New Zealand Alectryon excelsus is an evergreen tree known as the ‘Titoki’. Reaching around 4m+ with attractive glossy foliage, the flowers are small, followed by attractive red seed pods. Grown mainly for the attractive pinnate foliage.
The nature of the tree means that it is easily pruned and it can be used as a hedge for topiary or even pleached in a similar manner yo Yew trees. The foliage is said to release an oil that is mosquito repellant.
Care and Landscaping uses
An easy to grow tree useful as a specimen tree, a moist humus rich soil in full sun to part shade is best. Mulch well to provide a cool root run. Alectryon excelsus subsp. grandis is a smaller growing species.
Young plants should be staked until a good root system is established. Mulch to maintain a cool moist root run and water well through the first few summers.
In New Zealand, you will find Alectryon excelsus widely used as street tree. Its natural small size and good growth habit lending it to such applications.
As a hedge the ‘Titoki’ tree is best planted are around 1.5 metres apart, closer for a quick dense hedge. Further apart if you intend to grow with clear trunks. As a rule plant at the same distance apart as the intended width of the hedge.
Alectryon excelsus – Summary Information
- Height – Will reach around 4 metres to 6 metres in height.
- Spread – will form a rounded crown of around 4 metres over time.
- Growth rate – Regarded as medium, taking around 8 – 10 years to reach 5 metres.
- Position – Full sun sheltered from strong winds.
- Soil – Humus rich and well drained.
- Foliage – Mid green, glossy with serrated to undulating edges. New foliage is a paler green.
- Flower – small purple flowers in spring followed by small berries.
- Coastal conditions – Yes
- Frost tolerant – New foliage is subject to damage from sever frosts.
Alectryon excelsus is available for sale from the following nurseries
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.