The Jade Plant
With its rounded foliage Crassula ovata are a succulent plant originally from South Africa. A number of varieties are available sale and this species is another one of a number of plants referred to as the Jade Plant or Money Tree.

Origins Of The Jade Plant
Crassula ovata is the species commonly called the Jade Plant. Originally fro South Africa it made its way to Chine with traders and with the good green foliage was named the Jade Plant.
A few other Crassula varieties earn the common name of Jade Plant however it is really the green leafed plant, the species itself that is said to be the lucky plant.
Generally gardeners tend to prune them to size, often they are container grown. Older plants can benefit from being pruned back, with the cuttings used to propagate new plants.
Although the species itself is widely grown a number of cultivars are among the most popular varieties, the cultivar C. ovata ‘Hummels Sunset’ is pictured right.

Care and cultivation
These are a very hardy plant, they grow well in the ground as long as the soil is well drained.
They also have a growth habit that requires little care or pruning.
The occasional tidy up to keep a more compact shape is all that is needed.
How to Get Your jade Plant to flower
Jade plants will flower however a few conditions are required for successful flowering.
Jade plants need a dry sunny winter to get them to flower so try these tips.
- The older the plant the more likely it will flower 6 – 8 years.
- Provide lots of sun or good bright light 8 hours plus a day.
- Cut back on watering.
Crassula ovata ‘Jade Plant’ Basic Care
- Watering
The easiest way to tell if your Jade plant needs watering is to wait until the soil is dry before watering, and then give it a good soaking.
Another good way to tell if the plant needs watering is to gently bend a leaf, if it is soft and bends easily, it needs watering it its firm it does not need watering. - Pruning
This encouraged good bushy growth simply prune just above a pair of leaves and you will get two stems. - Sun
Try for around 6 hours of good a day, however not hot afternoon sun through windows.
Grow lights can be used if you do not have adequate natural light. - Soil
A well drained soil is best, a cactus and succulent mix is ideal. A regular potting mix is OK h
Right sized pot
Choose a pot that is the right size for the plant. Too large a pot means the plant has access to much water. Use a terracotta pot, these dry out more quickly that other types of pots. - The rules for potting mix and pot size can be changed if you are very careful about watering
Crassula Ovata Cultivars and varieties include :
- C. ovata ‘Jade Plant’
- C. ovata ‘Variegata’
- C. ovata ‘Crosby’s Compact’
- C. ovata ‘Pink Beauty’
- C. ovata ‘Gollum Variegata’
- C. ovata ‘Minima’
- C. ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’ with its foliage turning yellow to red in winter, a popular cultivar.
- C. ovata ‘Gollum’ has tubular green foliage and is used as a bonsai plant.
- C. ovata ‘Hobbit’ is referred to as the Hobbit Jade.
To make things interesting a few new varieties the Jade Pant are appearing, and these have brilliant foliage.
Other Crassula species are not usually called Jade plants and Portulacaria afra or Elephant Bush is often wrongly called the dwarf Jade Plant
As with other crassulas, they will grow well in a pot or container in a sunny position, well drained soil (let the soil dry out between watering). Slow growing and often used in bonsai.
Crassula ovata are available for sale online from the following growers
Phone: 0411 435 314
Online Retailer of Landscaping Plants, large quantities of small pot sizes up to advanced sizes & plant Sourcing.
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.
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