The cheapest way to grow herbs is by using herb seed. Not always the easiest but certainly cheap. Some herbs are much easier to grow from seedlings, readily purchased from nurseries, online stores and the big boxes.
Others are difficult to transplant and almost demand to be grow from seed. Some will self seed easily, we look at these with individual herb varieties.
The biggest advantage of buying the seeds online is the diversity available, something that all but specialist herb nurseries simply cannot replicate.
Herb seeds are readily available for sale online by mail order.
Even these seeds fall into two main categories, culinary herb seeds and medicinal herb seeds.
Some herb seeds are best planted in rotation to prolong supply of herbs.
Herb Seeds are generally easy to germinate and grow.
Many herb seeds can be planted in pots as well as directly into the ground.
It is often a good idea to plant many herb seeds such as basil and parsley over a period of a month or two at two week intervals. This can give a longer supply of fresh herbs.
Herbs grown from seed will be fresh and free from sprays and chemicals.